
installation wizard input names are a little messed up

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Up on installation:
validation errors does not appear on UI so I dumped data and discovered that

  • Input names on install/database page are irrelevant to what validation rules ar expecting; i.e input name is db_name while validation rule is excpecting db_database and hence neither error is shown on UI nor the installation procceeds.

Just find installation controller and view files under vendor/fusioncms/ and change input names accordingly.

When on local, most of the times the database does not have password a.k.a the password is blank. Since the fusioncms has set a default password for database as 'secret' when no password is provided the connection is not possible and you can see the output only in log files not on UI.

Delete 'secret' database password from fusioncms database installer controller.
And you also need to remove 'required' validation for databse password on both install/databse view file and install/confirm view file if you want to connect with blank password.