Analysis: Fine-tune presegmentations in SMS Vision datasets (8 Healthy, 8 Cancer)

LalithShiyam opened this issue · 8 comments

Analysis: Fine-tune presegmentations in SMS Vision datasets (8 Healthy, 8 Cancer)

For this I need a briefing, what does the finetuning presegmentation stands for. Does it mean, SMS were MOOSEd and I shall check, if they have errors?
What shall we do with the cancer patients, do we label tumor as an extra segment?

@josefyu let's discuss this once #22 is over 👍

The workflow is the following:

  • @LalithShiyam sends in the paired-PT and paired-labels for the healthy volunteers for now (along with the paired-CT of course).
  • @LalithShiyam to prepare the paired-PT and paired-labels for the lung cancer patients.
  • @josefyu corrects the segmentations as accurately as possible

Data stored on

Patient cohort reviewed two times,
all labels modified for: brain, bladder
labels sometime needed to be modified: kidneys, liver, spleen
mostly untouched - lung

NRRD Segmentation for SMS Vision - Healthy

Images are on NAS

Hi @josef, please don't upload images here. Or the IP address. Just mention that they are present in the HDD/ELN :D once the repo goes open source everyone can see these things. Not the best way.

removed files on github / and IP

Daria has run moose on ultra low dose vision dataset.
the standard dose dataset is dynamic and MOOSE couldn't process them.

SMS dataset with 8 patients cancer also segmented.
data structure prepared as Sebi wished, and copied to LUCAPET network drive