
Display contribution status

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A "status" to the OSC contributions backend has been added, so each PR has a status of "Accepted" or "Pending" or "Rejected", so the status page needs to be expanded to not only show "pending" contributions, but also the other types:

  • Rename "Pending Contributions" to "Contribution status"
  • Create three subheaders: "Pending", "Accepted", "Rejected"
  • Under each subheader is the list like it is now but with items filtered by status
  • Pending items keep the orange "waiting" symbol, Accepted have a green symbol with some sorts of check symbol (for example mdi-progress-check), rejected in red with some sort of rejection symbol (e.g. mdi-progress-close)
  • Somewhere we need a small disclaimer (either at the top under the title, or at the bottom), with an info icon (e.g. mdi-information-outline), saying "Note: only your most recent contributions are shown in this list. For a full list of contributions, please refer to the Open Science Catalog Metadata GitHub Repository."