
Get records from live API

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Static endpoint

https://constantinius.github.io/open-science-catalog-builder/ (see "products")

  • Records should be displayed in a grid with title and theme(s) each
  • Individual Record should display metainfo: Name, theme, variable, start&end date, release date, project, satellite mission, description, links to products and documentation
  • Individual records should include a map view showing the spatial extent
  • Metrics view: records should be fetched dynamically when a variable is expanded and display the available years and a link to the record
  • Metrics view: record coverage should be shown on a map for individual records, and records summarized by variable
  • Metrics view: in the record coverage popup, when showing multiple records, there should be a way to highlight the records in the map (currently implemented on list hover)
  • Statistics: Number of records should be shown in the chart, chart title, and variable list & chart
  • Statistics: Satellite missions and number of records should be shown in radial chart (like variable list & chart) - not yet implemented in backend

Dynamic endpoint


  • Record grid should be sortable by name (ascending and descending)
  • Record grid should be filterable by satellite mission (not implemented yet in backend)
  • Record grid has pagination (max 10 for now, more in future?)
  • Search: It should be possible to search for a keyword and get a grid of matched records, including display as described above