
Blacklist smart contract for EOS Community. This contract is designed to be used both for ECAF and for active Block Producers on EOS.

Primary LanguageShell

theblacklist Smart Contract

Blacklist smart contract for EOS Community.

This contract is designed to be used both for ECAF and for active Block Producers on EOS.

We have deployed this contract using theblacklist account on Mainnet: https://bloks.io/account/theblacklist

And bloks.io built a nice frontend of it: https://bloks.io/blacklist, special thanks to HKEOS and EOSCAFE :)


theblacklist contract has two tables:

1.theblacklist table, used to store ECAF blacklist orders.

2.producerhash table, used to store active producers blacklist hash.

AND three actions:

1.setorder for ecafofficial account to add order entries containing blacklist accounts to table theblacklist.

2.sethash for active BPs to add their blacklist sha-256 hash to table producerhash

3.delhash for BPs to remove their hash entry from table producerhash

table scheme

table theblacklist

id			uint64;
order_name		string;
order_url 		string;
order_hash 		string;
action			string;
type			string;
accounts		name[];

1.id is an auto incremental field as primary key.

2.order_name is used to store ECAF order name, eg. for ECAF Order 001, order_name would be ECAF_Arbitrator_Order_2018-06-19-AO-001

3.order_url is used to store ECAF order pdf link, eg. for ECAF Order 001, order_url would be https://eoscorearbitration.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ECAF_Arbitrator_Order_2018-06-19-AO-001.pdf

4.order_hash is used to store SHA3-256 of order pdf file, eg. for ECAF Order 001, order_hash would be a80df3e8cfa895a02161dc4d5d04392e3274bce917935c6c214cfe0f1f7e868a

5.type is a choice field used for different types of black/white list, choices are:


6.action is a choice field, valid choices are add and remove, meaning add or remove accounts from certain types of black/white list.

Currently, all the orders came from ECAF only requested to add certain accounts to actor-blacklist, but as some disputes resolved in the future, it is possible that ECAF will issue orders to release certain accounts from actor-blacklist. By then, ECAF can set a new entry with action field value remove to release accounts.

7.accounts is an array of account, coming from ECAF order.

table producerhash

id				uint64;
producer				name;
hash				checksum256;

1.id is an auto incremental field as primary key.

2.producer to store BP account name.

3.hash to store sha-256 sum of BP's blacklist config.


1. Set ECAF order to theblacklist table

to set an ECAF order, simply call setorder action with ecafofficial auth:

cleos push action theblacklist setorder '{"accounts": [], "order_name": "", "action": "add/remove", "type": "", "order_url": "", "order_hash": ""}' -p ecafofficial@active

for example, for ECAF order 003(https://eoscorearbitration.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ECAF-Temporary-Freeze-Order-2018-07-13-AO-003.pdf), just call:

cleos push action theblacklist setorder '{"accounts": ["neverlandwal", "tseol5n52kmo", "potus1111111"], "order_name": "ECAF-Temporary-Freeze-Order-2018-07-13-AO-003", "action": "add", "type": "actor-blacklist", "order_url": "https://eoscorearbitration.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ECAF-Temporary-Freeze-Order-2018-07-13-AO-003.pdf", "order_hash": "ca104c57af040b5b46ab6fb2bcb8455ed8f81402e5e586d8a50a47cfc2683a20"}' -p ecafofficial@active

NOTE: There is a script insert_ecaf_orders.sh which contains all ECAF orders.

2. Add/update BP's blacklist hash to producerhash

as a BP, everytime you update your blacklist config, you should add/update the blacklist hash to producerjson table

This repo comes with a bash script to easily generate blacklist hash generate_blacklist_hash.sh, just run it with your config file path:

./generate_blacklist_hash.sh /path/to/nodeos/config.ini

The sha256sum of your blacklist config is:


You can publish your hash to theblacklist contract as follows(add your BP name before you submit):
cleos -u https://api.eoslaomao.com push action theblacklist sethash '{"producer": "", "hash": "55ed0834aecb56c86a716064ecda2412de42f4a43df1dbff41d441d47725e1aa"}'

then, you can submit your hash to producerhash table using sethash action:

cleos push action theblacklist sethash '{"producer": "BP_ACCOUNT", "hash": "55ed0834aecb56c86a716064ecda2412de42f4a43df1dbff41d441d47725e1aa"}' -p BP_ACCOUNT@active

3. Delete BP's blacklist hash entry

just call delhash action to delete your blacklist hash entry from producerhash json.

cleos push action the blacklist delhash '{"producer": "BP_ACCOUNT"}' -p BP_ACCOUNT@active

Fetch data from contract

1. Fetch blacklist data

READ it from table theblacklist as json

cleos get table theblacklist theblacklist theblacklist

  "rows": [{
      "id": 0,
      "order_name": "ECAF_Arbitrator_Order_2018-06-19-AO-001",
      "order_url": "https://eoscorearbitration.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ECAF_Arbitrator_Order_2018-06-19-AO-001.pdf",
      "order_hash": "a80df3e8cfa895a02161dc4d5d04392e3274bce917935c6c214cfe0f1f7e868a",
      "action": "add",
      "type": "actor-blacklist",
      "accounts": [
  "more": false

READ it as nodeos config :)

just run fetch.sh, which will using curl to call an api endpoint, you will get a well documented nodeos config:

# from order: ECAF_Arbitrator_Order_2018-06-19-AO-001
actor-blacklist = blacklistmee
actor-blacklist = ge2dmmrqgene
actor-blacklist = gu2timbsguge
actor-blacklist = ge4tsmzvgege
actor-blacklist = gezdonzygage
actor-blacklist = ha4tkobrgqge
actor-blacklist = ha4tamjtguge
actor-blacklist = gq4dkmzzhege

# from order: ECAF_Arbitrator_Order_2018-06-22-AO-002
actor-blacklist = gu2teobyg4ge
actor-blacklist = gq4demryhage
actor-blacklist = q4dfv32fxfkx
actor-blacklist = ktl2qk5h4bor
actor-blacklist = haydqnbtgene
actor-blacklist = g44dsojygyge
actor-blacklist = guzdonzugmge
actor-blacklist = ha4doojzgyge
actor-blacklist = gu4damztgyge
actor-blacklist = haytanjtgige
actor-blacklist = exchangegdax
actor-blacklist = cmod44jlp14k
actor-blacklist = 2fxfvlvkil4e
actor-blacklist = yxbdknr3hcxt
actor-blacklist = yqjltendhyjp
actor-blacklist = pm241porzybu
actor-blacklist = xkc2gnxfiswe
actor-blacklist = ic433gs42nky
actor-blacklist = fueaji11lhzg
actor-blacklist = w1ewnn4xufob
actor-blacklist = ugunxsrux2a3
actor-blacklist = gz3q24tq3r21
actor-blacklist = u5rlltjtjoeo
actor-blacklist = k5thoceysinj
actor-blacklist = ebhck31fnxbi
actor-blacklist = pvxbvdkces1x
actor-blacklist = oucjrjjvkrom

# from order: ECAF-Temporary-Freeze-Order-2018-07-13-AO-003
actor-blacklist = neverlandwal
actor-blacklist = tseol5n52kmo
actor-blacklist = potus1111111

# from order: ECAF – Order of Emergency Protection – 2018-07-19-AO-004
actor-blacklist = craigspys211

# from order: ECAF-Order-of-Emergency-Protection-2018-07-19-AO-004-Reissue
actor-blacklist = craigspys211

# from order: ECAF-Order-of-Emergency-Protection-2018-08-07-AO-005
actor-blacklist = eosfomoplay1

you can easily compare this config with yours, expecially when your are a BP :)

you can also specify other API endpoints as the first param:

curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EOSLaoMao/theblacklist/master/fetch.sh | bash -s https://api1.eosasia.one

2. Fetch producer hash data

Fetch producer hash data from table:

cleos get table theblacklist theblacklist producerhash

  "rows": [{
      "id": 0,
      "producer": "eoslaomaocom",
      "hash": "55ed0834aecb56c86a716064ecda2412de42f4a43df1dbff41d441d47725e1aa"

3. Check blacklist

CURRENTLY there is a bug in this script

curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EOSLaoMao/theblacklist/master/check_blacklist.sh | bash -s [api] [config.ini]

TODO: compare hash data in producerhash table

will provide a bash script to do easy compare and summary of hashes.

Clear theblacklist table(DEBUG only)

clear action should be used for debug only, in production(or mainnet) clear action should be disabled.

cleos push action producerjson clear '' -p ecafofficial@active

Current status

We have deployed this contract using theblacklist account on Mainnet: https://bloks.io/account/theblacklist

And bloks.io team built a nice frontend of it: https://bloks.io/blacklist, special thanks to HKEOS and EOSCAFE :)

Also, all ECAF orders are set in theblacklist table.

check it out:

cleos -u https://api.eoslaomao.com get table theblacklist theblacklist theblacklist

Lets push onchain governance one more step forward!

How to build


How to deploy

cleos set contract theblacklist theblacklist/ -p theblacklist@active

built with Love by EOSLaoMao Team.