offered_crs is not defined
Closed this issue · 11 comments
When I connect to Rasdaman sample database and click GetCoverage for AverageChloro I get the error
NameError: global name 'offered_crs' is not defined ( 103 in new_function)
Hi hwoff,
could you please provide me with some more information.
which Qgis version; which OS, are you using. Furthermore:
Start Qgis new. Then, in Qgis please start the python shell --> Menu-Plugins-Python Console; then start the WCSClient2 Plugin and run the above operations.
Please send me the output from the console so I get some idea what is going on.
That was the output from the console
It looks like you forgot to paste the output ?
? It's in the original issue report!
I mean the full output, not just the last line.
I tried it another six times and that is all I get. Nothing else.
A typical output in the QGis Python Console would look like this:
Python Console
Use iface to access QGIS API interface or Type help(iface) for more info
You choose: OGC: WCS 2.0/EO-WCS 1.0 - Reference Implemetation (EOxServer) URL:
WCS-Version: 2.0.1
Selected Item: MERIS_MGVI 2006-07-01T00:00:00Z 2010-09-30T23:59:59.990000Z 90.000000 180.000000 -90.000000 -180.000000 S
Selected EO-Series: ['MERIS_MGVI']
Selected CoverageID: ['L3_ENV_MER_MGVI_m__20070801_GLOB_SI_ESA']
... and then somewhere would come the traceback for the error
You choose: rasdaman URL: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows/wcs2?
WCS-Version: 2.0.1
REQUEST: http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows/wcs2?service=WCS&request=GetCapabilities
Selected Item: 2017_11_15 C
Selected CoverageID: ['2017_11_15']
Then the error message is in the Python error window.
I have to admit I don't always get this error any more, sometimes I get other errors but I'll report them separately. (I've never successfully got anything at all to work, yet!) .
could you please also post the output of the http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows/wcs2?service=WCS&request=GetCapabilities request.
Hi howff,
I had a look at your GetCapabilities.xml. The section for the CRS is missing.
I.e. something along these lines should be there.
However, the QgsWcsClient2 has a fallback included for such a cases, i.e. the 'offered_crs' it will be set to EPSG:4326 for cases where nor crs are provided. So I assume that there are also some other issues with the rasdaman installation (which is know to be very tricky).
Unfortunately I can't do much if I don't get at least the traceback messages providing a more detailed description and allowing the analysis of the error.