

Closed this issue · 0 comments

We need to take a sweep of the documentation to account for the changes in moving from SLURM 21.x to 22.x.

The main issue to be addressed is the change in the behaviour of #SBATCH --cpus-per-task and possible requirement for SRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK or --cpus-per-task at srun stage.

The following sections should be checked

  • user-guide/batch/
  • user-guide/singularity/
  • user-guide/python/
  • user-guide/gpu/ (cannot and could not specify SBATCH --cpus-per-task)
  • software-packages/castep/
  • software-packages/cp2k/
  • software-packages/elements
  • software-packages/flacs
  • software-packages/gaussian
  • software-packages/gromacs
  • software-packages/helyx
  • software-packages/lammps
  • software-packages/MATLAB
  • software-packages/namd
  • software-packages/openfoam
  • software-packages/orca
  • software-packages/qe
  • software-packages/starccm+
  • software-packages/vasp
  • software-packages/specfem3d
  • software-libraries
  • software-tools/ddt
  • software-tools/scalasca
  • software-tools/intel-vtune

I have a branch feature-slurm-22 for these updates.