
RAS VCE case study - post module feedback to incorporate in R guide

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Problem statement:

The R guide needs further revisions to address post-module feedback, as follows:

  • Incorporate all text, tables, figures and equations from the STATA guide so that the R guide is also stand-alone;
  • Break up the code into smaller chunks so that participants can inspect intermediate output
  • Further simplify code where possible
  • Provide guidance for facilitators on how to use the R guide with and without the R code, depending on participant R experience
  • Provide a separate R script with just the code for participants to work on and modify

In addition, address the following formatting issues noted during the module:

  • Make the HTML version of the guide easier to read / break up sections into tabs
  • Ensure all printed tables have a title so that they are easy to find and discuss if not using the R code
  • Change strategy for session 5 to use the more tidyverse friendly fixest::feglm() function for the Poisson models with robust error variance to calculate prevalence ratios
  • Knit the guide to a word document as well and/or pdf in case people want to print it out;
  • Provide the R code for participants in a clean .Rmd with little to no text (just code chunks and task / table titles).

@aspina7 all feedback issues are addressed in the final version uploaded in commit 1c9f1c9