Untracking and then Tracking a Query removes the Query entirely
Closed this issue · 1 comments
meteorologist15 commented
A query which was previously tracked:
(esgdownload) ker:/net2/ker/UDA_downloads/esgf/db> esgpull show
└── distrib: False
latest: True
replica: None
retracted: False
experiment_id: historical
project: CMIP6
source_id: GISS-E2-1-G
variable: mmrbc, mmrdust, mmrnh4, mmrno3, mmroa, mmrso4, mmrss, o3
files: 591.2 GiB / 601.1 GiB [822/833]
Afterwards, I decided to untrack it:
(esgdownload) ker:/net2/ker/UDA_downloads/esgf/log> esgpull untrack 11586f
👍 Query <11586f> is no longer tracked.
(esgdownload) ker:/net2/ker/UDA_downloads/esgf/log> esgpull show
<11586f> untracked
└── distrib: False
latest: True
replica: None
retracted: False
experiment_id: historical
project: CMIP6
source_id: GISS-E2-1-G
variable: mmrbc, mmrdust, mmrnh4, mmrno3, mmroa, mmrso4, mmrss, o3
files: 591.2 GiB / 601.1 GiB [822/833]
I then tried to re-track it but got some sort of error, though the command seemed to still proceed:
(esgdownload) ker:/net2/ker/UDA_downloads/esgf/log> esgpull track 11586f
/net2/ker/anaconda3/envs/esgdownload/lib/python3.12/site-packages/esgpull/database.py:143: SAWarning: Object of type <Query> not in session, add operation along 'File.queries' won't proceed (This warning originated from the Session 'autoflush' process, which was invoked automatically in response to a user-initiated operation.)
result = self.session.merge(item)
👍 <11586f> is now tracked.
(esgdownload) ker:/net2/ker/UDA_downloads/esgf/log> esgpull show
(esgdownload) ker:/net2/ker/UDA_downloads/esgf/log>
As seen above, when running esgpull show
a third time, the query has been inadvertently deleted. I'm presuming this is not intended behavior and the query should simply be put back into a "tracked" state.
svenrdz commented
Nice find, and sorry for the inconvenience, I've fixed that in main