$ emerald <command> --help
Closed this issue · 1 comments
whilei commented
I think it would be really useful to provide some specific help information for each command (including one example with most basic possible use, and one with ultra-fancy use).
Further, to provide some kind of information about units for each required arg. For example,
~/dev/etc/emerald-cli master= ⟠ emerald transaction --help
Invalid arguments.
emerald server [--port=<port>] [--host=<host>] [--base-path=<path>] [-v | --verbose] [-q | --quite]
emerald new --chain=<chain> ([[--security-level=<level>] [--name=<name>] [--description=<description>]] | --raw <key>)
emerald list --chain=<chain> [--show-hidden]
emerald hide --chain=<chain> <address>
emerald unhide --chain=<chain> ([-a | --all] | <address>)
emerald strip --chain=<chain> <address>
emerald import --chain=<chain> [-a | --all] [-f | --force] <path>
emerald export --chain=<chain> ([-a | --all] | <address>) <path>
emerald update --chain=<chain> <address> [--name=<name>] [--description=<description>]
emerald transaction --chain=<chain> <from> <to> <value> [--gas=<gas>] [--gas-price=<price>] [--data=<data>] (--nonce=<nonce> | --upstream=<upstream>)
emerald balance <address> [--upstream=<upstream>]
emerald -V | --version
emerald -h | --help
should give something like
emerald transaction --chain=<chain> <from> <to> <value> [--gas=<gas>] [--gas-price=<price>] [--data=<data>] (--nonce=<nonce> | --upstream=<upstream>)
--nonce=<nonce> is optional; if not provided you must ensure it will be set by your '--upstream' client
--gas=<gas> is in 0x-prefixed hex encoding
A couple of examples:
emerald transaction --chain=mainnet 0xblahblah 0xblahblah 100000
emerald transaction --chan=morden 0xblahblah 0xblahblah 0x539000 --gas-price=0x21000 --gas=0x2100000 --data="Happy birthday" --upstream=
... Because I have questions like
- "Is
in hex, wei, or ether?" - "I'm assuming
-hex-encoded? (But it would be cool if I could leave a message real easy there for my buddy like ':beers: on me')" - "Can I use my
for my account instead of an address for<from>
r8d8 commented
isn't suitable for subcommand help, maybe we can use some alternative in future.