
Trouble on Ubuntu desktop

Closed this issue · 3 comments

dear all,
I am trying to install wec on the last ubutu desktop. I installed nodejs and then npm. Nodejs is V10.19.0 npm is 6.14.4
When I try to installa wec using npm install --global
I receive few warn about deprecated package and the error. I tried both as user or with sudo but not works
thanks for help

Dear @dega69,

the depreciation warnings should be not critical. Can you please tell me which error you have encountered? Ideally, you could provide the full output in text or as a screenshot.

Thanke rriemann-eu here is the two screen shot of the installation:
VirtualBox_ desktop_16_09_2021_09_46_51
VirtualBox_ desktop_16_09_2021_09_47_22

I see that the tool seeks to install into a system folder (/usr/local), which requires root rights.

To avoid this issue, please check this FAQ item on installation with only user permission: