
Missing schematic

Opened this issue · 13 comments

First of all thank you for this great project.

The software is reasonably well documented, but unfortunately a schematic is missing to assemble the necessary hardware. In the list of necessary hardware there is e.g. a circuit board linked (i2c watchdog and power supply). The corresponding Adafruit Trinket M0 is not linked. What is the Trinket for? A documentation how to link the Trinket is missing completely. Could you please improve it here and publish a complete schematic?

Personally I'm not using the Trinket version.

Maybe @noradtux can help you better with this

There are different options? The more important would be a schematic for each version. As already said, a hardware documentation would be super important. I would be happy to help you with that if I knew how everything fits together.

Schematics are here:
The board is just a carrier for the power switch, power supply and voltage scaling.

Thanks for the link. But I meant a schematic for the whole EVNotiPi with all its components.
You should aggregate all components on one page instead of distributing single pages all over Github. Just my 5 Cents.

But all hardware and wiring is documented? Or am I missing something? I used the current documentation recently for building the new prototypes

Either I'm too stupid for github or you hid the schematic too well ;)
I can't find a schematic here on the site.

The readme explains the schematic and required hardware and wiring

The readme unfortunately does not explain how e.g. noratux' version is wired with Trinket or what the advantage of this version is. In my opinion, the readme does not explain how EVERYTHING is wired together. Only the connection between OBD2 and the corresponding shield is shown. The prototype on Twitter also shows a D-SUB interface and two more boards. One of them is a voltage regulator, which is not in the list of required hardware. Then a second board with two thick capacitors is shown. What is this one for? It is also not in the list. At some point there was a version with a WeMos chip with a relay. Which is the current state of the hardware? I'm confused. I hope you understand what I mean. Your project is so brilliant that I would like to build it, but I don't know how to connect the components.

I see your point. You are right. Since we also currently experimenting what the best combination is.

The wemos one was not as good as expected and was replaced with the one you saw on Twitter. @noradtux Trinket is an even advanced one.

I think once the prototype is really stable, I can extend the documentation more

Sounds good ;)

Can you tell me what kind of circuit board you can see in the photo on Twitter in the left corner below the green terminals? Or is that still top secret? ;)

That is the WatchDog, something like the one from @noradtux

Yeah, currently those separate components pretty much are separate projects.

This has also legal reasons, since I have to only use one hardware combination. And since I build the prototypes currently, it's actually not fixed yet. But once it is, we can extend the documentation later