
Error: /proc must be mounted when run ps -e

jindam-vani opened this issue · 4 comments

  • start termux
  • ./start-debian.sh
  • # ps -e
Error: /proc must be mounted
  To mount /proc at boot you need an /etc/fstab line like:
      proc   /proc   proc    defaults
  In the meantime, run "mount proc /proc -t proc"

the above error occurs on xterm vnc session also

/proc cannot be mounted unless you have root access on android, its a limitation and nothing we can do. There might be a solution to try making a fake /proc in the future.

This is not a bug and the script is designed to not mount /proc to prevent error.


  • i am unable to kill zombie process which freezed my entire vm session (for ex. running hlynx using twm menu: "hlynx" f.exec "xterm -geometry 110x45 -e lynx https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Jindam_vani/zandbak%26action=history &"
  • i am unable to use right or left or middle mouse/click...
  • the only way is to find which package is responsible & stop it using #ps -e on termux

right now i am restore usable session vm running
two commands (i dont know which is correct):

killall -q -u root
kill 2

if you have any workaround for the issue?

just for record (somebody might say you ought to have run command given in error):

# mount proc /proc -t proc
mount: /proc: mount(2) system call failed: Function not implemented.

When you are rooted, disable SELinux.
/system/bin/setenforce 0
You can set it in a termux/tasker boot script. For me this works.