
Android 13 - Ubuntu - XFCE4 - blank gray screen with X cursor

TheGardenMan opened this issue · 2 comments

I am on Android 13, Ubuntu, XFCE4 on latest version of Termux from F-Droid.

This is what I see:

And the vnc log is

(xfce4-session:31331): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 04:41:21.287: Unable to launch "/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd" (specified by autostart/xfce4-notifyd.desktop): Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Invalid argument)

(xfce4-session:31331): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 04:41:21.292: Unable to launch "xfsettingsd" (specified by autostart/xfsettingsd.desktop): Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Invalid argument)

(xfce4-session:31331): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 04:41:21.296: Unable to launch "start-pulseaudio-x11" (specified by autostart/pulseaudio.desktop): Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Invalid argument)

(xfce4-session:31331): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 04:41:21.299: Unable to launch "/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" (specified by autostart/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop): Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Invalid argument)

(xfce4-session:31331): xfce4-session-WARNING **: 04:41:21.304: Unable to launch "sh -c 'if [ "x$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "xwayland" ] ; then exec env IM_CONFIG_CHECK_ENV=1 im-launch true; fi'" (specified by autostart/im-launch.desktop): Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Invalid argument)

I tried Googling , nothing worked..
Is anyone else facing this issue?


I get the same with AVNC client in Android and Vinagre client in GNOME.

Termux version from FDROID is 0.118.0.
Vnc serveur installed from Debian with XFCE environnement.

Android 13TKQ1 for Xiaomi sold by free (French)

Screenshot_2023-12-05-15-23-53-218_com termux

I meet the same problem.