
Access denied

taichifan opened this issue · 6 comments

I have a LG X Charge with Android 7.0 kernel 3.18.31, security patch Nov 6, 2017
and I get access denied try to cd to the directory. I got busybox not found.
H=$PATH:/data/user/0/exa.free.bbin/files <
H=$PATH:/data/user/0/exa.free.bbin/files <
lv7:/ $ echo $PATH
lv7:/ $ busybox
/system/bin/sh: busybox: not found
127|lv7:/ $ cd /data/user/0/exa.free.bbin/files
/system/bin/sh: cd: /data/user/0/exa.free.bbin/files: Permission denied
2|lv7:/ $



Alsan commented

sorry, how you solve the problem?

I'm able to install busybox with no root, but does the phone need root permission to actually run the busybox commands? In other words is this app just for installing busybox? It appears that the app installs busybox on my unrooted phone correctly, but I'm not able to run any commands since I'm not root... ?