
allow to disable default rewrite rules

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% TODO: allow to disable default rewrite rules

% \rule[\dimexpr-\dp0-2pt]{0pt}{\dimexpr\dp0+\ht0+4pt}
\def\lc@TypesetRewritingRule#1#2{\setbox0=\hbox{\let\lc@enablechars\relax\RLC[\the\c@lc@colorcycle]{#2}}\tikz[baseline=(@.two)]{\node[lc@node@replacement,inner ysep=1pt] (@) {\scriptsize#1\nodepart{two}\box0};}}

% TODO: allow to disable default rewrite rules
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\ifelse{ifelse}{\\{p,a,b}\.\p \a \b}%
% TODO: allow aliasses for rewrite rules (ite for ifelse)

% TODO: find a way so they do not disturb tikz
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\Land{and}{\\{p,q}\.\p \q \p}%
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\Lor{or}{\\{p,q}\.\p \p \q}%
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\Lnot{not}{\\{p,a,b}\.\p \b \a}%

% TODO: simple variant that uses the name for the command sequence as well?
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\cons{cons}{\\{x,y,c}\.\c \x \y}%
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\head{head}{\\{d}\.\d \true}%
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\tail{tail}{\\{d}\.\d \false}%
% TODO: find a way so they do not disturb latex
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\Lnull{null}{\\d\.\d \(\\{x,y}\.\false\)}%

% TODO: allow something like this but with macro expansion so that \num{3} automatically yields the \L-term for numbers

% \lcCreateNewRewritingRule\num{}{\\{x,y,c}\.\c \x \y}%

\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\pair{pair}{\\{a,b,f}\.\f \a \b}%

\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\succ{succ}{\\{n,f,x}\.\f \(\n \f \x\)}%
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\add{add}{\\{m,n,f,x}\.\m \f \(\n \f \x\)}%
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\mult{mult}{\\{n,m,f}\.\m \(\n \f\)}%
% TODO: option to only expand until level X so that it does not automatically expand within isZero...
% TODO: beamer animation support
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\isZero{isZero}{\\n\.\n \(\\y\.\false\) \true}%
\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\pred{pred}{\\{n,f,x}\.\n \(\\{g,h}\.\h \(\g \f\)\) \(\\u.\x\) \(\\u.\u\)}%

\lcCreateNewRewritingRule\Ycomb{\textbf{Y}}{\\f\.\(\\x\.\f \(\x \x\)\) \(\\x\.\f \(\x \x\)\)}%

% TODO: lualatex allow lambda unicode symbol
% TODO: allow to insert unicode breaks