
export to Heatmap needs improvement

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Hello Dear
I am grateful for your awesome effort in creating this app. The only way to get it run is to install all dependencies first and adjust the system and environment variables /paths. I can run it successfully in both Kali Linux and for windows 10 64 bit using its 64 bit standalone executable. However there is a bug which needs improvement. If I choose a circular close path or a U shaped open path and export its heatmap, then your software interpolates the empty space in between and stretches the heatmap may be using averaging etc. This in in fact shifts and stretches the hotspots to unwanted locations causing a lot of error in the generated heat map. A russian friend at this link https://github.com/ati/heatmap has shown a very good result and the heatmap is accurately shows the hotspots around the driven path and does not interpolate or fill false data in between, but unfortunately he has not explained how to correctly install and use his code using Ruby etc which in fact converts your .rfs files into a nice heatmap. If you kindly look into his technique and algo and kindly dovetail the same in your export to kml function etc accordingly, then it would be a wonderful software to use for Localization for both single frequency as well as for a frequency band. His two rb files are Scan2web.rb and Single_freq_heatmap.rb