
2.3 Spam

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Exact wording of the rule
2.3 Spam.
Spamming or sending messages in a way that disrupts chat flow, normally by sending a similar message repeatedly, is not allowed.

How will this rule affect the community
I know this one is hard but this one is too inconsistently managed. Occasionally you see a warn for starting it but I think just a consistent mute like 1 hour or something would help this rule. Unless the spammer does it consistently. I think the wording for this one is good, I just think that it is not enforced and when it is, it is not enforced consistently.

Do you think this will benefit both the staff and the players
Players will have a better understanding of what is and is not allowed in chat. The mods will have to do more on this one but realistically this does not happen very often.

Please use for issues other than the website

Again, this is not really related to the rules page but this is something we have talked about yes.