
[Feature Request] Push frontmatter to database metadata

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be a really powerful feature to push custom metadata from frontmatter (and dataview inline metadata) to notion.

Example (meeting):

Type: Meeting
title: Meeting to discuss cheese
date: 2022-04-26T00:00:00.000Z
ID: 20220426054841
  - T/Task
 link: https://www.notion.so/TT-20220426-TESTS-f2ad1282246245739ff8a58658df4acf
notionID: XXXXXXXX-2462-4573-9ff8-a58658df4acf
Attendees:: [[James Madison]], [[Deng Xiaoping]], [[Lord Vader]]

This is the body of a meeting file where things are discussed. 

Table on notion

Name Attendees date
Meeting to discuss cheese [[James Madison]], [[Deng Xiaoping]], [[Lord Vader]] 2022-04-26T00:00:00.000Z

i had try to completed this feature

but meet some difficult with notion api

in the future when i have time i will Complete this feature

+1 for this feature, Definitely a vital requirement for the plugin.. but this is a great plugin

Make.md allows to add Cover photos and Note icons so the notes looks identical as in Notion.

It would be WONDERFUL if Obsidian-to-Notion plugin would support this metadata too.