
Can't create new site with SSL Let's Encrypt enabled

Opened this issue · 1 comments

EE v 4.5.6

I'm trying to create a new site on Ubuntu 20.4/EE 4.5.6 using this command:

ee site create mysite.com --type=wp --ssl=le --dbname=my_db --dbuser=my_usr --dbpass=MyPass --dbprefix=MyPref_ --admin-user=MyAdmin --admin-pass=MyAdminPass --admin-email=hello@mysite.com

I get this output:

Installing WordPress site.
Success: https://mysite.com has been created successfully!
Starting SSL verification.
Warning: Server error: `GET http://mysite.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Pxup0ypL0sfxNMBsutLW8AUKDLOS24zv3_Tna9pai0s` resulted in a `521 ` response
Warning: Initiating clean-up.
[musik4kidz.com] Docker Containers removed.
[musik4kidz.com] site root removed.
Success: Site mysite.com deleted.
Report bugs here: https://github.com/EasyEngine/site-type-wp

EE tries to create my site but then fails because it can't find http://mysite.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Pxup0ypL0sfxNMBsutLW8AUKDLOS24zv3_Tna9pai0s.
2 things I see:

  1. It's looking for http even though it created for https. I don't know if EE is creating this location...
  2. If I use --wildcard during the SSL process it works. However, wildcards don't support auto renewal...

Is this a bug or is there a specific process to handle this?

Same problem... I only had to have Cloudflare SSL set as strict in the past.

Did you figure out the issue?