
Serverless Bundle Loader Issue

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello guys,
I'm using easypost with serveless-bundle and I'm getting multiple errors like this:

ERROR in .../node_modules/@easypost/api/src/resources/apiKey.js 13:21
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (13:21)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
| export default api => (
|   class ApiKey extends base(api) {
>     static propTypes = propTypes;
|     static _name = 'ApiKey';
|     static _url = 'api_keys';

serverless-bundle is using Webpack Raw Loader which should be enough to load the file. (https://www.npmjs.com/package/serverless-bundle#support-for-pem-txt-and-other-raw-files)

Any ideas?

Do you need to pull in a different transpiled version of the library? I'm not at all familiar with serverless-bundle, but I believe our default babel build targets node8+, so if you are running against an older parser you may need to pull in the babel-ized node6 version.

@itoure were you able to get this resolved or is this still something you need help with?

I looked into this a bit but would probably need more info to pursue a solution. Do you have a link to your project you can share here or additional details such as your webpack config or package.json?

Additionally, the Webpack Raw Loader looks like it is for pem or txt files which these aren't and may be a red herring. It looks like serverless-bundle can handle JS and JSON out of the box.

After looking into this some, I believe it's an issue with how serverless-bundle is setup. If you have additional details to provide that could help us further assist you, please share them here and reopen this issue.