
How to log some values from custom environment?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi! I'm testing sheeprl's dreamer-v3 on my custom environment!

I want to log some values other than just the reward,

but according to, it seems like we can only choose predefined metrics.

I'm wondering if I'm missing sth or there's workaround!

Thanks for beautiful implementation!

Hi @anthony0727,
you are right, dreamerV3 and all the other algorithms log predefined metrics.
However, it is possible to easily add your metric. I would suggest to follow the related howto.
In any case, you must modify the implementation by adding the call to the aggregator.update() function.
Something like this:

if aggregator and not aggregator.disabled:
    aggregator.update("Custom/metric", custom_metric_value)

Note: Remember to update the metric configs and the AGGREGATOR_KEYS variable in the file of the algorithm.

Got it! Thanks a lot!

FYI we were able to train the dreamerv3 agent on our specific physics related environment with sheeprl!