
Create Virtual IoT and Edge Day 2021 Landing Page by Apr 16

Closed this issue · 21 comments

Hello, IoT, Sparkplug and Edge Working Groups are hosting Virtual IoT and Edge Day 2021 on May 27 and they would like a landing page created.

To make this as easy as possible, we would like to recycle the look of with a few minor tweaks to the text and of course new speakers & schedule.

Here is the event website content form: which contains all the info for updates to the title, tagline, about info and other text.

Speakers and schedule have yet to be finalized, but I will have them shortly after April 9 so I will update this issue then. We would like the entire website to launch on April 16 if possible.

Landing page has been created to current spec:

Let me know when we have more content and we can add it! Do you want this live in the meantime?

Thanks @autumnfound ! We can leave it as a preview for now. Should have the program final early next week. I will comment on this issue with the details as soon as I have them.

Hey @autumnfound , no action yet but just letting you know the program is almost final for Virtual IoT Day.

The hope is we are still able to publish the finished website on Friday. As soon as it program is finalized, I'll provide you with all the images and chart of sessions as usual, just want to give you a heads up it will be coming in the next couple of days. Thanks!

Hey @autumnfound , no action yet but just letting you know the program is almost final for Virtual IoT Day.

The hope is we are still able to publish the finished website on Friday. As soon as it program is finalized, I'll provide you with all the images and chart of sessions as usual, just want to give you a heads up it will be coming in the next couple of days. Thanks!

We will need this data latest Wednesday morning (say 9 am EST) in order to get this up for the stated go-live date of the 16th. Along with the initial time to develop, we need at least a day of lead-up for our feedback cycle. The aim here is to either merge this in the morning of the 16th (~9 am EST) or as we finish for the day on the 15th (~4:30 pm EST).

Hey @autumnfound here are the updates... we have decided to make it a 2 day event starting on May 26, ending May 27, so please also update the date at the top to read:

May 26 — 10AM-2PM PT / 1PM-5PM ET / 7PM-11PM CET
May 27 — 7AM-1PM PT / 10AM-4PM ET / 4PM-10PM CET

Schedule: May 26

Legend Title Presenter Name Company Scheduled Time (CET/EST/PST)
IoT Scaling IoT and Web messaging infrastructure for fun and profit: An Introduction to Eclipse Amlen Jonathan Levell IBM 19:00-19:45/13:00-13:45/10:00-10:45
Edge No-compromise solutions for the integration between Edge and Cloud Gabriele Montanari Eurotech 20:00-20:45/14:00-14:45/11:00-11:45
Edge Eclipse Hara: an embedded client for hawkBit Nicola La Gloria Kynetics 21:00-21:45/15:00-15:45/12:00-12:45
IoT Creating Connected Car Platforms with MQTT Ian Skerrett HiveMQ 22:00-22:45/16:00-16:45/13:00-13:45

Schedule: May 27

Legend Title Presenter Name Company Scheduled Time (CET/EST/PST)
Keynote The Application of Open Source Technologies to IoT and Edge Computing Mike Milinkovich Eclipse Foundation 16:00-16:25/10:00-10:25/07:00-07:25
Keynote Open Source IoT and Edge Computing: The Eclipse Way Frédéric Desbiens Eclipse Foundation 16:30-16:55/10:30-10:55/07:30-07:55
IoT Cloud Native Digital Twins Jens Reimann & Dejan Bosanac Red Hat 17:00-17:45/11:00-11:45/08:00-08:45
Edge Zenoh: The Edge Computing Data Fabric Angelo Corsaro ADLINK 18:00-18:45/12:00-12:45/09:00-09:45
IoT Running your private IoT Cloud Stack Kai Hudalla Bosch 19:00-19:45/13:00-13:45/10:00-10:45
Sparkplug Leveraging Eclipse Sparkplug to Accelerate DataOps and Machine Modeling into AWS Services Arlen Nipper & Pugal Janakiraman Cirrus Link & AWS 20:00-20:45/14:00:14:45/11:00-11:45
Edge Title TBD Speaker TBD Edgeworx 21:00-21:45/15:00-15:45/12:00-12:45

Just like 2020, ( we would also like to have the ability for people to click on the title and get a popout with the abstract - here is each abstract:

May 26

Scaling IoT and Web messaging infrastructure for fun and profit: An Introduction to Eclipse Amlen: Designing messaging systems to support IoT and web usecases capable of scaling to many thousands or even many millions of
connections can be a daunting challenge but one that is increasingly common.

This talk will provide an introduction to Eclipse Amlen, a newly open-sourced MQTT broker capable of being used in deployments both large
and small. We'll cover the main features and how to get up and running quickly as well as looking at what will come next for the project.

No-compromise solutions for the integration between Edge and Cloud: How the Eclipse edge framework enables creation and deployment of ready-to-market IoT architectures with no-compromise edge-to-cloud integration features with 3rd part Edge Management & Cloud Platform.

Eclipse Hara: an embedded client for hawkBit: Eclipse Hara (project currently in incubation) goal is to provide a reference agent software implementation for Eclipse hawkBit DDI API. Eclipse Hara fills the gap that was intentionally left out by the hawkbit project. By providing a solid open source reference implementation of an hawkBit client the project can be beneficial toward the adoption of the hawkBit update server as a backend solution for OTA.

Creating Connected Car Platforms with MQTT: The automotive industry is quickly adopting MQTT as the standard for vehicle to cloud data connectivity. MQTT is uniquely positioned to solve some of the difficult technical challenges of building a connected car platform. In this session, we will look at the challenges of connected vehicles over unreliable cellular networks, how MQTT solves these for the connected car industry and present case studies of OEM that have implemented connected car platforms using MQTT. Finally, we will conclude with how MQTT can be used for future mobility use cases, like car sharing, fleet management and others.

May 27

The Application of Open Source Technologies to IoT and Edge Computing: The open source model of open collaboration and innovation is now the dominant paradigm for the creation and dissemination of new software technologies. In parallel, software is now the key driver of innovation in all sectors of society and the economy. In particular, IoT, Edge Computing, Industrie 4.0, and digital transformation are all primarily driven by software. And the winners in these sectors will be the ones who create the next generation of the platform economy: the machine economy. These trends have combined to make mastering the art of using, contributing, participating, and leading open source projects and communities critical to the future success (if not survival) of all technology-based enterprises.

Open Source IoT and Edge Computing: The Eclipse Way: 10 years. 50 projects. Over 55 member organizations. By any metric, the open source IoT and Edge Computing ecosystem of the Eclipse Foundation is impressive. It is also intimidating. Where to start? How to navigate it? In this presentation, you will discover how you can leverage open source Eclipse Technologies to build IoT and Edge Computing solutions. You will also learn about the Eclipse IoT, Edge Native and Sparkplug working groups: three open, vendor-neutral communities focused on open source collaboration.

Cloud Native Digital Twins: "Digital twins are a central part of most IoT solutions. They represent the physical state of the devices and provide easy to use device APIs for solution developers. Processing telemetry event streams is how devices are mapped into the digital world, so obviously this is one of the crucial topics for implementing digital twins.

There are a lot of event streaming platforms available, but in this session we want to focus on cloud-native ways of doing IoT. We will explore Knative eventing concepts that provide flexible and scalable way of processing events in the cloud using different underlying messaging technologies, like Apache Kafka. Accompanied by a way to define a format of events through “Cloud Events” specifications, it provides a perfect fit for building serverless IoT integration platforms, as we’ll see on the example of Drogue Cloud project.

Finally we can integrate two worlds together and demonstrate how to stream IoT telemetry data from a device through Drogue Cloud into Eclipse Ditto digital twin platform the cloud-native way.
Zenoh: The Edge Computing Data Fabric: Zenoh is rapidly growing Eclipse project that unifies data in motion, data at rest and computations. It elegantly blends traditional pub/sub with geo distributed storage, queries and computations, while retaining a level of time and space efficiency that is well beyond any of the mainstream stacks. This presentation will provide an introduction to Eclipse Zenoh along with a crisp explanation of the challenges that motivated the creation of this project. We will go through a series of real-world use cases that demonstrate the advantages brought by Zenoh in enabling and optimising typical edge scenarios and in simplifying the development of any scale distributed applications.

Running your private IoT Cloud Stack: The Eclipse IoT Packages project has been started some two years ago with the goal of providing easy to use Helm charts
that can be used to get up an running with Eclipse IoT projects easily.

The Cloud2Edge package was the first package to be offered and can be used to install an IoT cloud stack consisting of Eclipse Hono, Ditto and hawkBit. During the last two years we achieved a lot but not quite everything we aimed for.

During this session I will update you on the c2e package's purpose, structure, evolution and latest changes to the underlying components like Eclipse Hono, Ditto and hawkBit. If time permits we will also run a little demo illustrating how easy it is to set up the stack on a Minikube Kubernetes cluster.

Leveraging Eclipse Sparkplug to Accelerate DataOps and Machine Modeling into AWS Services: Industrial customers and solutions providers that are trying to leverage Digital Transformation to optimize production, maximize asset utilization and identify equipment maintenance issues. These customers are realizing that just sending discrete measurements into cloud data stores is not scaling. AWS realized this and understood that to make Digital Transformation easier, and have it scale across all facilities and machine types, a service was needed that could create virtual models of machines directly from edge compute technology. This session will explore how AWS and Eclipse Sparkplug are being used to automatically create machine models, assets of those models and populate the models with real-time measurements.

Final Session: Abstract TBD

And finally, here is the list of speakers with their job titles and companies - their images are zipped in the folder below

Jonathan Levell
Architect on IBM Watson IoT Platform/IoT Messagesight

Gabriele Montanari
Everyware IoT Global Product Manager & Solution Architect

Nicola La Gloria
Chief Executive Officer

Ian Skerrett
Head of Marketing

Mike Milinkovich
Executive Director
Eclipse Foundation

Frédéric Desbiens
Program Manager, IoT and Edge Computing
Eclipse Foundation

Jens Reimann
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat

Dejan Bosanac
Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat

Angelo Corsaro
Chief Executive Officer
ADLINK Technology

Kai Hudalla
Lead Architect

Arlen Nipper
President and Chief Technology Officer
Cirrus Link

Pugal Janakiraman
WW Business Development – Industrial IoT

There will be one more speaker added for Edgeworx

Photos: May 26 Speakers:

Photos: May 27 Speakers
IoT Day

Just updating the jumbotron now, but everything else is up:

Hey @autumnfound This is amazing thanks for turning it around so quickly. I've spoken to Hassan and Frederic and they have just a couple updates.

  • At the bottom of the second banner on the preview, it says 'organized by the Eclipse IoT, Eclipse Edge Native and Eclipse Sparkplug Working Groups' ... could you change the order of the logos right below that to be the same order - so just switch the order of the Edge Native logo and the Sparkplug logo.
  • On the day 2 schedule, for both sessions with two speakers, the speakers appear in a bullet list form, would it be possible to remove the bullets and have these speakers appear with the same layout as all the other speakers?
  • On the schedule is there a way to list the session times on three lines rather than one? In other words: can we list one time zone per line for the start times and just delete the forward slashes?

Hoping this is all the changes we have left before publishing. Thanks again for your hard work.

  1. Can do!
  2. It wouldn't be on separate lines, but I can add a comma instead of a list. This was the way we designed this component to show multiple presenters, but it looks like the styling for the site interferes with the list and it looks slightly off. Does that work?
  3. There is no way to change this to display on 3 lines in the current state. We could add a bug to capture this and add it, but it won't be ready for a day or two at least (which may make this late), What would you like to do, given this case?

@autumnfound @hudsonkelly83 I think we can try 2. As for 3, maybe we can make the site public as is and implement the change in a few days. I am open to alternatives as well. The problem is the times a really hard to parse as they are currently.

If we implement a change, I suppose we could have a drop down that lets the user select the time zone used in the table and display a single time accordingly. What do you think?

@autumnfound @hudsonkelly83 I think we can try 2. As for 3, maybe we can make the site public as is and implement the change in a few days. I am open to alternatives as well. The problem is the times a really hard to parse as they are currently.

If we implement a change, I suppose we could have a drop down that lets the user select the time zone used in the table and display a single time accordingly. What do you think?

Having a dropdown for time would be complicated, and take longer to implement properly and make it configurable. Most other sites I've seen pick a single central time, or the time for the main audience of the event. CET and EST are common because of European and Canadian time zones.

@autumnfound Well... CET, EST and PDT are the most important ones to us. One per line is fine, even if we have to wait a bit for it. I am open to any suggestions you may have.

@autumnfound @fdesbiens I agree our best course of action would likely be to publish the site as is and then allow webdev to have a few days to update to allow for one per line, if that is the easiest way for everyone.

Hey @autumnfound just making sure we are still on track to publish the site as is today.

The update for the three lines on the time can occur later. Let me know if you require anything else. Thanks!

It's been merged, as it's been reviewed! I've created an issue to track the requirement in hugo-solstice-theme for multiple times for an agenda session.

@autumnfound We have a session to add to the schedule. The details are below.

Also, I am still chasing the abstract for the 3pm EDT session. I expect to have them by COB tomorrow. I will update this issue with the details once I have them.

Time slot
22:00-22:45 CET
16:00-16:45 EST
13:00-13:45 PST

Extending Kubernetes to the Distributed Edge with EVE-OS

In a perfect world, we’d have one orchestration solution capable of deploying and managing infrastructure and applications spanning the entire edge continuum, however the inherent technical tradeoffs dictate necessarily different tool sets with similar principles applied. While it may be tempting to extend existing data center tools outside of the data center, they quickly start to break for reasons including being too resource-intensive, lacking an adequate zero trust security model and requiring skill sets for deployment and management that aren’t commonly found in the field.

In this session, Jason will highlight the inherent differences in management and security practices across the edge continuum. He will then outline how the Project EVE community from LF Edge is collaborating with both the Eclipse Edge Native and CNCF IoT Edge Working Groups to establish EVE-OS as a universal, bare metal foundation to extend Kubernetes from the cloud to the Distributed Edge. Jason will talk through the key challenges for deploying Kubernetes in the field that EVE-OS addresses, in areas such as footprint, zero trust security, autonomy, and support for both legacy and modern workloads.

Jason Shepherd
VP Ecosystem



@fdesbiens please see the following page for a preview! I added some space to the time formats to make it feel a little less cramped in the meantime (before we get the fix in for the multiple time slots in agenda)

Looking good, @autumnfound! Thanks.

@autumnfound We have the details of our "TBD" talk on May 27. The details are below. I don't have a photo for the second speaker and have not been introduced to him yet. Maybe you can take it from his LinkedIn?

Time slot
21:00-21:45 CET
15:00-15:45 EST
12:00-12:45 PST

Production ready EdgeAI with Eclipse ioFog and Google Coral

Eclipse ioFog is the market leading Edge Native fabric for developing and deploying EdgeAI applcations, from Cloud to Edge. Google Coral is the most performant platform for running TensorFlow inferencing applications on dedicated silicon at the Edge.

In this talk we will demonstrate drag and drop deployment of a TensorFlow EdgeAI application, using Eclipse ioFog to a Google Coral DevKit. Rapidly iterating and updating the model from the Cloud, we will then showcase moving from a prototyping environment to a production ready platform. Without making any changes to the model or code. All in less than 10 minutes!

Farah Papaioannou, President and co-Founder, Edgeworx
Ajay Kumar Nair, Product Evangelist. Edge ML Solutions, Google


I've made a patch for the TBD session, please see for the preview!

Look great @autumnfound!

Could you please also update the date at the top of the page to reflect the addition of the extra session. Should now read:
May 27 — 7AM-2PM PT / 10AM-5PM ET / 4PM-11PM CET

Once added, it is good to push live. Thank you!

Closing this as this issue is long in the tooth. For future changes, please create a new issue! Helps keep stuff clean and easy to take care of. We've got the change for times in the queue, but it will take a bit of time to trickle down to here.