
Fig 1 edits

Closed this issue · 14 comments

@teixeirak, wondering if you would have ideas for what to have for arrow 4. I changed sensitivity to shortwave radiation because R1 suggested to use consistent language from leaf temperature section and suggested thermal capacitance. But thermal capacitance doesn't affect leaf temperature as much, I learned, so I removed the word from leaf temperature section. Now, I'm unsure what to label arrow 4?

Good question. I think @SlotMartijn could be more helpful here than I can.

For clarification, we're talking about the 4th arrow (under leaf temperature), not one of the arrows under "4. leaf gas excchange" (I was confused at first).

Could you say "heat dissipation potential"? Not super clear perhaps, but the temperature section of the text includes comments on the understory conditions (low wind, high RH, low conductances) not being conducive to dissipating heat (and in the text I suggested the word 'dissipation' as alternative to 'shedding' in the context of leaf cooling. The labeling in the figure would have to be matched with whatever term we end up using in the text of course)

That works for me.

@SlotMartijn, wouldn't heat dissipation potential decrease going towards to the understory? but the arrow we have would mean increase, right?

You are right. Good catch. Other than 'thermal mass' or something like what you had before, I can't think of any term or parameter that would capture this phenomenon and increase towards the understory. Certainly not one that is used in the text

That's okay-- just switch the arrow direction.

Okay, here it is:
Let me know if there any changes to make!
Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 5 15 59 AM

Looks great!

Maybe I can close this issue then?


@NidhiVinod , a minor point, but good to replace "temperature" with "T_air " on the first arrow.

@teixeirak, changed tair below:
Schematic figure 1

Awesome! Closing this again.