
Microsoft Azure proofs

PatrikHudak opened this issue ยท 165 comments

Service name

Microsoft Azure


There is no general approach for PoC. Microsoft Azure offers multiple services (CloudApp, Azure Websites, etc.) that use different domain names.

General approach in verifying subdomain takeover is to check, whether the Azure domain responds with NXDOMAIN DNS status. This is (to my knowledge) the necessary condition of the domain, however it is not sufficient. In other words, not all Azure domains which are used in some CNAME and respond with NXDOMAIN are vulnerable to subdomain takeover. I personally got a case where Azure portal refused to create a domain even though it responded with NXDOMAIN.

Some H1 reports to prove this point:

As mentioned before, the PoC creation depends on the service in question, however, they generally tend to have similar workflows.


These are the domains that are identified as vulnerable. Each of these is used for particular Azure service:

  • *.cloudapp.net
  • *.cloudapp.azure.com
  • *.azurewebsites.net
  • *.blob.core.windows.net
  • *.cloudapp.azure.com
  • *.azure-api.net
  • *.azurehdinsight.net
  • *.azureedge.net
  • *.azurecontainer.io
  • *.database.windows.net
  • *.azuredatalakestore.net
  • *.search.windows.net
  • *.azurecr.io
  • *.redis.cache.windows.net
  • *.azurehdinsight.net
  • *.servicebus.windows.net
  • *.visualstudio.com

Hi All,
Hope you are good!

if a Azure Domain not Respond with NXDOMAIN that means it is not Vulnerable.
But if it shows this ;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR,

Then what would be the answer is it vulnerable or not!

Hope you understand my points


Linked back on the main repository, closing this as @Sechunt3r's comment is already addressed in @PatrikHudak's summary.

ghsec commented

if subdomain return public IP is possible subdomain takeover?

If the sub-domain points to traffic manager service for Azure, is the takeover possible? When attempting to create a traffic manager profile using the same name as in the CNAME, getting error which mentions "Domain name xyz.trafficmanager.net already exists. Please choose a different DNS prefix".

Has Microsoft patched the service or am I doing something wrong?


@sumgro Microsoft haven't patched the service and you are doing everything ok.

You are getting a error message because the Traffic Manager profile actually EXIST, so you are unable to claim it. When you make a DNS request to *.trafficmanager.net and get NXDOMAIN there are two possible outcomes:

  1. The Traffic Manager with requested name really don't exist - you can go ahead and register it. In this context it is likely that the Subdomain Takeover is possible.
  2. (From my own testing) Traffic Manager profile can be created, however there is no requirement to assign it any endpoints by default. Traffic Manager (as the name) implies is trying to distribute network traffic using different settings and acts just as a middleman. This means that in order it to work, you need to set up endpoints (a.k.a. FQDN) where the traffic will be forwarded once the user reaches to something.trafficmanager.net. Now to the core of the problem: When there is no endpoint assigned in the profile, you will get the same NXDOMAIN response as you would get with non-existing TM profile. In this case, you won't be able to take in over because the TM profile with the name in CNAME record actually exist, it just seems that the profile does not exist.

It is pretty easy to setup a automation for that using Azure API. You would need to test a creation of particular TM profile and not rely only on DNS request as some external indicator of TM profile existence.

Hope it helps.

Thank you for the revert @PatrikHudak, really appreciate the detailed reply.

I'm fairly new to the subdomain takeover subject. When testing for the subdomain in question, the dig <subdomain.domain.com> confirmed the error NXDOMAIN (thereby bringing a smile) and then the CNAME pointed to xyz.trafficmanager.net.

From your reply, I understand that the profile already exists with the same name as the CNAME, even when the end-point may not have been setup, this results in the error message both when visiting the link and through the dig command. Hence, the takeover for in this situation may not be successful.

Not able to get the pointers on the Azure API for automation, kindly point in the direction to be able to research more on the topic to get an understand for future hunting.


I've come across a sub-domain, pointing to an azure web app service. This CNAME itself has 3 levels like xyz.abc.m.azurewebsites.net. It shows the NXDOMAIN error when checking with dig.

However, when I try to create the App on the Azure Portal as xyz.abc.m to takeover, it does not allow periods in the same. Anyone aware of how can such scenario be handled for sub-domain takeover?


I also faced this. I found a subdomain that resolved to xyz.easteurope.cloudapp.azure.com and could not use the . character. Anyone else got around this?

Edit: turns out you could take over this by registering an Azure VM in the easteurope region ;)

found this in relation to the above, but haven't been able to go through in details to understand:

I found a subdomain pointing to The ip certificate is issued to *.azurewebsites.net and the subdomain does not contain txt record.

Is it vulnerable to subdomain takeover?

I think it is a Edge case too.

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 2616
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

"Domain name redacted.trafficmanager.net already exists. Please choose a different DNS prefix."

Can anyone confirm if this isn't possible or im just stupid?

when tryin to claim a CNAME with multiple levels like abc.aaa.azurewebsite.net i get

. is an invalid character

this means it is only possible to claim 1 level subdomains like abc.azurewebsite.net?

Which azure service gives us mysubdomain.windows.net ?
Any help would be appreciated.

how can i claim this *.cloudapp.azure.com ?

how can i claim this *.cloudapp.azure.com ?

You can simply create a Virtual Machine in the specific region and then in the left menu select "Configure" and set a desired DNS name label.

The format of the URL will be:

Does anyone know if it is possible to claim *.azurewebsites.us domains?

Is this still vulnerable ? Because Azure requires a unique Custom Domain Verification ID to be put as a TXT record in the DNS.


Until the TXT record is configured the following error will show up


I have only tried this for Web Apps (.azurewebsites.net)

Never mind, itโ€™s still vulnerable. Just observed one get snatched live. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Never mind, itโ€™s still vulnerable. Just observed one get snatched live.

๐Ÿ˜ฎ How was the TXT verification bypassed ?

EDIT Nevermind

Any hints of how to bypass the TXT verification?

Any hints of how to bypass the TXT verification?

@sumgr0 It's not required.

@adityathebe Okay...thanks for the quick revert.

Hello all i found a subdomain which is pointing to cloudapp.net.But when i tried to takeover i got false any one can help or reply me with this i'll gave you that domain

when i try to add custom domain it says add verification id in txt record please tell how can i add custom domain without txt record verification @PatrikHudak

Hello everyone,
I was following @PatrikHudak steps in this blog https://0xpatrik.com/subdomain-takeover-starbucks/ to takeover cloudapp.net subdomain but when I deploy my cloud service I get the following error.
"The requested VM tier is currently not available in Central India for this subscription. Please try another tier or deploy to a different location."
Anyway to bypass it

Update: Was able to takeover by just changing the region to something else.

Can i takeover abc.xxx.com (not found) subdomain if it is pointing to clientconfig.microsoftonline-p.net?

Does anyone know if it is possible to claim *.azurewebsites.us domains?

hey @stark0de
Did you found any way to claim *.azurewebsites.us?

Hey @Lolz246

You found anything regarding that? I've also found a subdomain pointing to clientconfig.microsoftonline-p.net

Hey! I just found a subdomain pointing to azurefd.net, investigations show that its azures (front door) service, you can do subdomain takeover on this domain type. You can use the backend pool to point to a resource you own.

@PatrikHudak I think you should also add .trafficmanager.net is the list of vulnerable services on Azure.

hey all.

dig on a subdomain responds with a status: NOERROR, and the cname points to *.azurewebsites.net.

is it vulnerable for takeover?



I've seen the comments of all participants and few are in doubt that Azure takeover is not vulnerable anymore.

But let me assure you the takeover is certainly possible and I've confirmed it on microsoft.com domain, if you don't want to believe my comment then go to this link "http://smpaccountexceptionservice-int.dps.microsoft.com"

Is Azure Takeover still vulnerable?

The above screenshot was taken on Oct 02, 2020, for PoC purposes and can be confirmed below that Azure Takeover is still vulnerable & possible

hey all.

dig on a subdomain responds with a status: NOERROR, and the cname points to *.azurewebsites.net.

is it vulnerable for takeover?



You need to try to add the subdomain using the Azure portal under Custom domains

Uploading Screenshot from 2020-10-13 00-17-19.pngโ€ฆ

Hey, How can I claim this? - *.azurewebsites.net
Provide steps please I am stuck


Hi everyone!

I've found subdomain that can be taken over and which is registered on *azurewebsites.net. I'm getting this in return when I type dig command:


But when I register website on the portal.azure.com -> Custom Domain Names it is still asking me to define TXT or MX, but I'm not allowed to do that. Status of claimed domain is "Unverified" and I don't know what to do next.


Next thing is when I'm adding custom domain and when I try to enter CNAME of that domain, I'm getting in return message which says: "The value must have a length of at most 48." because that link of the CNAME is very long.

Can someone give me a hint what to do next in order to claim this subdomain?

Thanks in advance guys!

I dont think this is a vulnerbale case anymore. You can see above how I asked for help on the same but didnt get any replies and my case is still the same. I tried a lot but couldnt make it work :(

App services (ending with *.azurewebsites.net) does not seem to be vulnerable anymore with the TXT verification as stated here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-custom-domain#get-a-domain-verification-id.

A TXT record is required to verify ownership of the domain.
I cannot get it to work. Can anyone confirm this?

Screenshot 2020-12-07 at 16 29 27

@ravkishu Then can you explain what is correct and what not? You are not helping, we know it's wrong because it doesn't work :)

@ravkishu Well I need to create a CNAME and a TXT record on the victims domain (let's say google.com). There is no way that I can verify the ownership of the domain by creating a TXT record.

I would gladly hear from you to understand how this could be bypassed.

@ravkishu Well I need to create a CNAME and a TXT record on the victims domain (let's say google.com). There is no way that I can verify the ownership of the domain by creating a TXT record.

I would gladly hear from you to understand how this could be bypassed.

#35 (comment)

For your reference @savirsuda @davisfreimanis @h4ckdi @adityathebe, I can only provide you a link as a proof of concept http://smpaccountexceptionservice-int.dps.microsoft.com/ or click this link if you're visiting this issue in late 2021

Also, let's take this conversation out of GitHub because I don't want to annoy people with so many messages.

Those who need assistance can WhatsApp me on @ravkishu or drop me a mail on ravkishu@gmail.com

@ravkishu Well I need to create a CNAME and a TXT record on the victims domain (let's say google.com). There is no way that I can verify the ownership of the domain by creating a TXT record.
I would gladly hear from you to understand how this could be bypassed.

#35 (comment)

Without the validation, traffic is not routed to the app service. In that case I am presented with a 404 screen as people has posted previously.

I have verified that Cloud Services (ending with *.cloudapp.net) are still vulnerable and does not require domain validation. Just create a resource with the same name as the dangling domain.

@ravkishu Well I need to create a CNAME and a TXT record on the victims domain (let's say google.com). There is no way that I can verify the ownership of the domain by creating a TXT record.
I would gladly hear from you to understand how this could be bypassed.

#35 (comment)

Without the validation, traffic is not routed to the app service. In that case I am presented with a 404 screen as people has posted previously.

I also stumbled on an *.azurewebsites.net service without the ability to takeover it due to the TXT record verification! was anyone able to bypass it, or does this just confirm that *.azurewebsites.net service is no longer vulnerable?!

@ravkishu Well I need to create a CNAME and a TXT record on the victims domain (let's say google.com). There is no way that I can verify the ownership of the domain by creating a TXT record.
I would gladly hear from you to understand how this could be bypassed.

#35 (comment)

Without the validation, traffic is not routed to the app service. In that case I am presented with a 404 screen as people has posted previously.

I also stumbled on an *.azurewebsites.net service without the ability to takeover it due to the TXT record verification! was anyone able to bypass it, or does this just confirm that *.azurewebsites.net service is no longer vulnerable?!

Just ignoring TXT validation works fine for me.

Hey guys, Need your help. One of the subdomains let's say blah.blah.blah.target.com is pointing to blah-blah.azurewebsites.net but in the dig authority section it is pointing to another subdomain of the target but the other subdomain has no name. Is takeover possible for this ? also when navigating to the blah.blah.blah.target.com it says DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN ? Thank you

ethrx commented

Could you maybe post all of the outputs of your digs? For a clearer picture. @saurabh96216

I have found something pointing to adverify.beacon.azurefd.net in front door how can i takeover it while making beacon.azurefd.net is not allowed

today I tried to takeover a cname address called * .azurewebsites.net. I got this cname name, but it was necessary to add a custom domain. when i wanted to do this i got a warning and asked me to add TXT records issued by azure to my dns records. Since I was never able to do this, takeover is not possible.

ethrx commented

today I tried to takeover a cname address called * .azurewebsites.net. I got this cname name, but it was necessary to add a custom domain. when i wanted to do this i got a warning and asked me to add TXT records issued by azure to my dns records. Since I was never able to do this, takeover is not possible.

I was able to do a takeover only a week ago for azurewebsites.net. You aren't doing the takeover correctly. Make sure it is a azure "web app" (costs money to keep online) and then you can add a custom domain.

today I tried to takeover a cname address called * .azurewebsites.net. I got this cname name, but it was necessary to add a custom domain. when i wanted to do this i got a warning and asked me to add TXT records issued by azure to my dns records. Since I was never able to do this, takeover is not possible.

I was able to do a takeover only a week ago for azurewebsites.net. You aren't doing the takeover correctly. Make sure it is a azure "web app" (costs money to keep online) and then you can add a custom domain.

i know what i'm doing. i did create web app. I wanted to add a domain from custom domain options, but azure gave me a warning telling me to upgrade my plan otherwise I will not be able to add a domain. After upgrading my plan, the add domain button became active and I typed the subdomain name of the target site and clicked the check button. But while doing this, a new warning appeared and gave me some txt information and asked me to add it to the dns records. I turned it off as i could never do this. https was active in the dashboard section. I turned this option off and did the same, but the result was the same.

there is only one thing I have to tell you. example This was the target subdomain address.


and this example cname


when i tried to get this address azure did not allow this (awverify.bla-bla)... azure did not allow dot use. so i just tried to get this.(bla-bla)...I just tried to get this address with the hope that I could discover something new. maybe there is a problem with the cname address I want to get.If you think the cname addresses I explained in the example above can be received, we can cooperate.

ethrx commented

today I tried to takeover a cname address called * .azurewebsites.net. I got this cname name, but it was necessary to add a custom domain. when i wanted to do this i got a warning and asked me to add TXT records issued by azure to my dns records. Since I was never able to do this, takeover is not possible.

I was able to do a takeover only a week ago for azurewebsites.net. You aren't doing the takeover correctly. Make sure it is a azure "web app" (costs money to keep online) and then you can add a custom domain.

i know what i'm doing. i did create web app. I wanted to add a domain from custom domain options, but azure gave me a warning telling me to upgrade my plan otherwise I will not be able to add a domain. After upgrading my plan, the add domain button became active and I typed the subdomain name of the target site and clicked the check button. But while doing this, a new warning appeared and gave me some txt information and asked me to add it to the dns records. I turned it off as i could never do this. https was active in the dashboard section. I turned this option off and did the same, but the result was the same.

there is only one thing I have to tell you. example This was the target subdomain address.


and this example cname


when i tried to get this address azure did not allow this (awverify.bla-bla)... azure did not allow dot use. so i just tried to get this.(bla-bla)...I just tried to get this address with the hope that I could discover something new. maybe there is a problem with the cname address I want to get.If you think the cname addresses I explained in the example above can be received, we can cooperate.

I remember having a similar txt option and I just skipped it (possibly just pressing continue or yes?) and it worked fine. If domain verification succeeds then it's fine even if you still get the 404.

Try claiming:




And send the results.

@ethrx i did speak with my friend.. he is good for subdomain takeover. he said that subdomains starting with awverify will not be takeover. they are cname s for verify only. they are not real entries. he said that is probably why I was having trouble.

Any verify.profilename.azureservice.tld is not vulnerable since they are just entries for verifying domain ownership. For azure edge or with new name front door previews it's cdnverify, for azurewebsites it's awverify etc.

So when you see such entry ignore them, however profilename.azureservice.tld is still vulnerable if pointing NXDOMAIN, only few edge cases for trafficmanager.net when profile owner just disabled it, so you have 50/50 chance to takeover them, all others when having NXDOMAIN results are vulnerable.

An interesting case I'm not use is possible to exploit is domains pointing to xx.usgovcloudapp.net

@pdelteil when you see "gov" as a part of service, it's not possible to normal user to register these services.

You must be either US government employee or contractor to gain ability to create and use accounts and services from provider.

So none of US government employees or contractors gonna abuse it or they will face legal issues and lose their jobs.

These stuff considered as safe area for that targets.

@pdelteil when you see "gov" as a part of service, it's not possible to normal user to register these services.

You must be either US government employee or contractor to gain ability to create and use accounts and services from provider.

So none of US government employees or contractors gonna abuse it or they will face legal issues and lose their jobs.

These stuff considered as safe area for that targets.

Hello, thanks for your opinion. I know what gov means. Like I said I don't know if it's possible yet.

@pdelteil when you see "gov" as a part of service, it's not possible to normal user to register these services.
You must be either US government employee or contractor to gain ability to create and use accounts and services from provider.
So none of US government employees or contractors gonna abuse it or they will face legal issues and lose their jobs.
These stuff considered as safe area for that targets.

Hello, thanks for your opinion. I know what gov means. Like I said I don't know if it's possible yet.

Hello, I didn't want to sound you don't know it. I was just making it clear it's not possible and why it's :)

Can anyone confirm if this isn't possible or im just stupid?

when tryin to claim a CNAME with multiple levels like abc.aaa.azurewebsite.net i get

. is an invalid character

this means it is only possible to claim 1 level subdomains like abc.azurewebsite.net?

Did you get solution for this? @marcelo321

hi guys, I found that one subdomain whose CNAME is pointing to subdomain.windows.net . This can be vulnrable to subdomain takever?

Hi , guys I found a subdomain .t-msedge.net.
Is it vulnerable to subdomain takeover ?

Are *.cloudapp.net takeovers still possible in 2021? I heard the old azure xplat cli (https://github.com/Azure/azure-xplat-cli) can be used to create classic VMs but i'm still forced to do it using the Resource Manager instead: Image

Still possible to takeover domains that point to:

  • NAME.ZONE.cloudapp.azure.com (e.g. dev.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com)
  • NAME.azurewebsites.net (eg. testing.azurewebsites.net)

Hi, I'm new to this, any help is really appreciated, I have a subdomain that is pointing to {{something}}.azurewebsites.net, but when I'm trying to create an app service in azure and register {{something}}.azurewebsites.net, it's giving me following error -

The app name {{something}} is not available

But here everyone is saying that it's possible to takeover these, I'm attaching the ui in actual subdomain when I visit that.
Please, someone help me on this.

Theres two parts to these types of subdomain takeovers, Firstly the {{something}}.azurewebsites.net registration. This is the creation of the service which in your case has been done by someone.

Secondly once you have created the service you must link the vulnerable subdomain {{something}}.example.com as a "custom domain" In this case, this has not been done.

Unfortunately this case you cannot take over the subdomain. Vulnerable Microsoft takeovers normally return a NXDOMAIN when you do a dns lookup for the subdomain.

In my case it's returning NOERROR, And all other informations I've already provided already, so does this mean this subdomain is not possible to takeover? And pardon me for asking, generally *.azurewebsites.net are still vulnerable to subdomain takeovers?

Thanks anyway for clarifying these to me.

Yeah so a NOERROR means the DNS lookup worked and the host is alive. So in your case this subdomain is not possible to be taken over as its already registered just not assigned the custom domain. But due to the subdomain.example.com is pointing to this registered resource, this is stopping you from taking it over. So I guess the rule of thumb, I believe (anyone correct me if im wrong) and Subdomain DNS record that is pointing to a Microsoft Azure domain like the "azurewebsites.net" that return a NXDOMAIN is able to taken over (with the exception to "*.trafficmanager.net".

Thanks for the detailed clarification, it was very much needed for me, hoping to get subdomain takeover next time.

Happy hacking!

@OffensiveBugHunter No problem :) Reach out to me over Twitter @PR3R00T if you need any help :)
Good Luck on the hunt!

Sure, happy hunting to you as well. @PR3R00T

hlw bro
I have found cname pointing to cabocd.azurefd.net
and 2nd cname pointing to abcd.trafficmanager.net
this is vulnerable bro

*.azure-api.net is not longer vulnerable.

Can anyone guide me how to takeover a domain cnamed like xxxxx.westus.cloudapp.azure.com
The region part "westus" got me confused , and the domain return NXDOMAIN result >>unclaimed .

Any help plz ?

@pdelteil I recently took over a azure-api.net successfully :)

How? Describe the steps!


dig -t A lockscreenapi.example.com

I found azure CNAME looks below.

lockscreenapi.example.com. 3600 IN   CNAME   lockscreen.azurewebsites.net.
lockscreen.azurewebsites.net. 60 IN   CNAME   hosts.lockscreen.azurewebsites.net

If I create app services with lockscreenapi then I got a domain ownership problem.

If I create an app service with lockscreen then it's saying not available. Which name I should use for creating app services.

thank you.

@pdelteil I recently took over a azure-api.net successfully :)

How? Describe the steps!

Hi @pdelteil

Login to the portal and search for Api Management and select API Management Services then create API management service and configure accordingly - region, name, etc. It does take about 30-40 mins to be deployed though.

Thanks, I will give it a try.

cname *.trafficmanager.net are vuln or not ?

It seems taking over xyz.cloudapp.net subdomains is no longer possible, at least using new deployments, maybe someone who already have the old Azure Cloud Servce (classic) running can change it's url to the dangled DNS name

cname *.trafficmanager.net are vuln or not ?

Yup, these are still vulnerable. I was able to take over one today.

cname *.trafficmanager.net are vuln or not ?

Yup, these are still vulnerable. I was able to take over one today.


Can you provide more information ?

cname *.trafficmanager.net are vuln or not ?

Yup, these are still vulnerable. I was able to take over one today.


Can you provide more information ?

  1. Login to your Azure console

  2. Create a traffic manager profile, and enter the name of the domain you wish to take over.

  3. Open the traffic manager profile you created, and add an external endpoint with an IP pointing to your VPS. The idea is that all traffic will be load balanced to it.


Enjoy your takeover! :)

CNAME to *.azureedge.net is vulnerable? If it is, can you provide how to do this?

how can i claim azurewebsites.net this one

Hi everyone,

I found a sub domain with this content:


I checked its CNAME. It is pointing to *.trafficmanager.net and the status is:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR,

Is it possible to perform subdomain takeover in this case?

I've come across a sub-domain, pointing to an azure web app service. This CNAME itself has 3 levels like xyz.abc.m.azurewebsites.net. It shows the NXDOMAIN error when checking with dig.

However, when I try to create the App on the Azure Portal as xyz.abc.m to takeover, it does not allow periods in the same. Anyone aware of how can such scenario be handled for sub-domain takeover?


Have you found any solution for multi-level domain takeover? Facing the same problem.

I've come across a sub-domain, pointing to an azure web app service. This CNAME itself has 3 levels like xyz.abc.m.azurewebsites.net. It shows the NXDOMAIN error when checking with dig.
However, when I try to create the App on the Azure Portal as xyz.abc.m to takeover, it does not allow periods in the same. Anyone aware of how can such scenario be handled for sub-domain takeover?

Have you found any solution for multi-level domain takeover? Facing the same problem.

Nope, not yet... Please share if you come across the solution.


now i am working on subdomain with this record
and i had claimed it and make a website with same record
but it refused to add a new custom domain as below


i think the vuln has been resolved and azure not vulnerable anymore.
if anyone could to solve this problem and managed to complete the poc pls tell me.


It's still vulnerable. Some domains would require domain ownership while others won't.

my bad luck :-)

I've come across a sub-domain, pointing to an azure web app service. This CNAME itself has 3 levels like xyz.abc.m.azurewebsites.net. It shows the NXDOMAIN error when checking with dig.
However, when I try to create the App on the Azure Portal as xyz.abc.m to takeover, it does not allow periods in the same. Anyone aware of how can such scenario be handled for sub-domain takeover?

Have you found any solution for multi-level domain takeover? Facing the same problem.

Nope, not yet... Please share if you come across the solution.


Is this still the case for multilevel [trafficmanager.net] domains?

@pdelteil I recently took over a azure-api.net successfully :)

How? Describe the steps!

Hi @pdelteil

Login to the portal and search for Api Management and select API Management Services then create API management service and configure accordingly - region, name, etc. It does take about 30-40 mins to be deployed though.

Can you please let me know if it is still vulnerable or not found a subdomain with status : NXDOMAIN and dont know how to take over it , can you describe the steps please

b1bek commented

Even after claiming cname pointing to azurewebsites.net, it requires TXT record verification for the vulnerable subdomain. So I think it's not vulnerable anymore.

If the *.cloudapp.net responds with is it vulnerable to takeover

is cloudapp.net still vulnerable ?