
Utilities for manipulating a 2D Polygon in code and in the scene

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A basic representation of a Polygon in C#, with some common basic utility functions, as well as a component to edit them in the scene

Scene Editing

How Use

Helper methods on Polygon2D

  • Bounds : Rect Get a bounding rect that covers the whole polygon

  • Translate(Vector2)/Rotate(float)/Scale(Vector2) Transform the polygon

  • Contains(Vector2) : bool Returns whether the given point is inside the Polygon

  • RandomPointWithin() : Vector2 Return a random point from inside the Polygon

  • DoesIntersectWithLine( Vector2, Vector2 ) : bool Returns whether the given line segment crosses the polygon edge

  • GetNearestVertex/GetNearestEdge Returns the closest vertex/edge in the polygon to the given point


This is set up as a Unity package. In the Unity Package manager (Window > Package Manager), add this package from the git url. (top left + button > Add from GIT url)


  • Polygon2D: In code, create a Polygon2D object from a list of Vector2s. This can be edited and manipulated. Note that it is a reference type, so unlike a Vector, shared copies of a Polygon will all be modified if one changes. Use var newPoly = new Polygon2D( oldPoly ) to make an unlinked copy

  • ScenePolygon: A ScenePolygon is just a utility component to make it easy to create a Polygon in the scene view. After adding a ScenePolygon component, you can edit the vertices manually or in the scene view, much like a PolygonCollider2D In code you can make an inspector reference to a ScenePolygon type to enable drag and drop, and get the internal polygon out by using scenePolygon.Polygon Like colliders, the internal polygon is stored in local space, to create a world space polygon, use scenePolygon.GetWorldSpacePolygon()