
Plugin on Phonegap CLI 9 dont do anything

sergiolopezloya opened this issue · 2 comments

I installed the plugin by cli on Phonegap CLI 9, but when I trigger any function don't do anything. I trace all I could but I cant see to do anything before cordova.exec in any function. I also installed REVERSED_CLIENT_ID and WEB_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID, and trying to execute on web browser, but nothing, any idea?

did u manage so solve this issue by any means ?! .. my app was actually working just fine until it suddenly stopped working ( google login screen doesnt appear )

No I didnt, in fact I didnt use it and my app is published right now. I just left the simple login form, communicating with my website, maybe I will try to use it again, if I can do something I will tell you.
This is the app that I finished: