RESTART automatically a nativescript 8 angular app after close -exit or finish - that app to change the app language
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I'm wondering if there is a way to automatically restart the app after an exit in IOS or a finish in android used to change the app language.
To be more precise, in the official NS documentation ( ) I found this code (see below alert ...) I wish to complete ????? (see code below) with a method (if is possible) that will RESTART the app after close.
`import { Application } from '@nativescript/core'
import { overrideLocale } from '@nativescript/localize'
title: 'Switch Language',
message: 'The application needs to be restarted to change language',
okButtonText: 'Quit!'
}).then(() => {
if (isAndroid) {
;( ||
// Here I need a method to RESTART the app automatically after finsih
} else {
// Here I need a method to RESTART the app automatically after exit