
2020-02-01 11:57:36.437688: W tensorflow/core/framework/cpu_allocator_impl.cc:81] Allocation of 10616832 exceeds 10% of system memory. Killed

KoizumiNao opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi. I'm currently having some problems after running the Object_detection.py like:

2020-02-01 11:57:36.437688: W tensorflow/core/framework/cpu_allocator_impl.cc:81] Allocation of 10616832 exceeds 10% of system memory.

My device is Raspberry Pi 3 B+.
Tensorflow Version: 1.14.0
Python Version: Python 3.7.3
GPU: 128

Can anyone help me with this? I appreciate any response that can fix this problem.

even I had a similar issue, all I did was reduced my I dataset size. previously my dataset size is 478 mb then I reduced it to 40kb and everything worked out fine.