
Bug while trying to use the plugin

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Just trying to use the plugin (0.6.1) in win10, with koReader (last version) on D:\ and the Obsidian storage on H:\ .

plugin:obsidian-koreader-plugin:12787 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
at KOReader.eval (plugin:obsidian-koreader-plugin:12787)
at Generator.next ()
at eval (plugin:obsidian-koreader-plugin:63)
at new Promise ()
at __async (plugin:obsidian-koreader-plugin:47)
at KOReader.createNote (plugin:obsidian-koreader-plugin:12785)
at KOReader.eval (plugin:obsidian-koreader-plugin:12925)
at Generator.next ()
at fulfilled (plugin:obsidian-koreader-plugin:50)

-> Apparently caused by const page = bookmark.text ? parseInt(bookmark.text.match(/\d+/g)[0]) : -1;
-> text.match() is null, so [0] is incorrect.

I don't know if this is due to unaccepted characters in the Book title or other bugs ?

Uncaught (in promise) Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir 'H:\Nextcloud\ ...-Christian Arnsperger
Dominique Bourg'

Uncaught (in promise) Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'H:\Nextcloud\DOCUMENTS\NOTES\OBSIDIAN\04-Other\KoReader_HIghlights(book) Ecologie intégrale_ Pour ...-Christian Arnsperger
Dominique Bourg\on constate que la méthod... - Christian Arnsperger
Dominique Bourg.md'

Uncaught (in promise) Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'H:\Nextcloud\DOCUMENTS\NOTES\OBSIDIAN\04-Other\KoReader_HIghlights(book) Ecologie intégrale_ Pour ...-Christian Arnsperger
Dominique Bourg\favoriserait une intensif... - Christian Arnsperger
Dominique Bourg.md'

+1 had same issue, temporarily fixed it by removing highlights where I had a note added.

Seems Koreader data is different in this case which leads to parsing failure and the uncaught exception.

Steps to reproduce: add a highlight in koreader, then tap the highlight and add a note, try to sync again


Pitty, have forked and update the plugin : https://github.com/clemrdh/obsidian-koreader-sync/

Now it works with page numbers, notes, text, ec... all good 👍

Edo78 commented

Pitty, have forked and update the plugin : https://github.com/clemrdh/obsidian-koreader-sync/

Now it works with page numbers, notes, text, ec... all good 👍

Sorry I have no time right now but if you are kind enough to open a PR I'll do my best to approve it

Pitty, have forked and update the plugin : https://github.com/clemrdh/obsidian-koreader-sync/
Now it works with page numbers, notes, text, ec... all good 👍

Sorry I have no time right now but if you are kind enough to open a PR I'll do my best to approve it



I had the same problem.
Look in the .lua file (in your metadata folder of the book on your Koreader device (folder ending by .sdr)

Screenshot 2022-12-18 125357

Screenshot 2022-12-18 125426
When there are multiple authors, there may be a line skip with an antislash. Correct it in the .lua file so both authors are on the same line without line skip.

Screenshot 2022-12-18 125844

WITHOUT THE LINE SKIP (To fix the issue)
Screenshot 2022-12-18 125241

Hey is this ever going to get merged? I seem to be having this same issue.