
[Feature request] Examples

Closed this issue · 8 comments

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I don't know the current version

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I would like to be added examples of how to use it as it was before.
since what was already no longer works

If you are using version 0.9.88 or older, here are the examples.
Some of them may work also for the latest version (0.9.9).

I will write examples for the latest version during the next week...

the old version was better for me. the new one is too complicated

and how can I use the old version?

I think, you're still using the old version, because the latest one (0.9.9) is not published on PyPi.

You can check version of edupage-api by running command pip show edupage-api. It should output something like this:

pip show edupage-api
Name: edupage-api
Version: 0.9.88
Summary: A python library for accessing your Edupage account
Author: ivanhrabcak
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages
Requires: requests

Hello, I am currently working on some basic examples with the new 0.9.9 version, I will push them one by one in the next 30 minutes - 2 hours.

thank you very much and I need an example for lunch the most

I've added an example for homework (notifications in general) and I am working on the lunch example.

I've added the lunch example, closing. (I will be adding more this week)