
Spring Boot configuration example for Quartz

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot Quartz

This is an example Spring Boot project which configures Quartz using minimal configuration classes.


After running the project, a H2 in-memory database will be loaded. Quartz tables will be automatically created by flyway. After startup is complete, NotificationJobInitializer class will create two example jobs which will start automatically (one cron job and one simple job).

Example of both jobs logging:

2016-08-30 00:07:59.666  INFO 4468 --- [actory_Worker-3] c.e.q.notification.NotificationService   : [notifications.simple-job] Sending notifications...
2016-08-30 00:08:00.002  INFO 4468 --- [actory_Worker-4] c.e.q.notification.NotificationService   : [notifications.cron-job] Sending notifications...

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