
Maildev UI not opening in Browser

odidev opened this issue · 11 comments

Hi EdwinVW

I have worked on running pitstop with docker-compose, Kubernetes etc on ubuntu arm64 and amd64 platform. Although it looks like with maildev image v1.2.0-beta1, the maildev UI doesn’t open while running through docker-compose. 

I had to do below mentioned changes in docker-compose.yml post that only the web-page of Maildev opened.

azureuser@Svm1:~/pitstop/src$ git diff docker-compose.yml  
diff --git a/src/docker-compose.yml b/src/docker-compose.yml  
index a2fe25a..67d004a 100644  
--- a/src/docker-compose.yml  
+++ b/src/docker-compose.yml  
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ services:  
       - SA_PASSWORD=8jkGh47hnDw89Haq8LN2  
-    image: maildev/maildev:1.1.0  
+    image: maildev/maildev:1.1.1  
     container_name: mailserver  
       - "25:25"  
-      - "4000:80"  
+      - "4000:1080" 

Also, with the above changes only UI of maildev gets opened in browser but I am not able to receive any email while testing for invoice and notifications.  

Please find below the steps to reproduce the issue: 

  1. Vim docker-compose.yml (do the changes mentioned above) 
  2. docker-compose up 
  3. Open maildev UI in browser http://localhost:4000/ 
  4. Follow the steps mentioned in wiki for testing notifications  
  5. Email should be received post 4th step but not receiving the same 

Please share your pointers as to how to resolve the same. Thanks in advance!

Hi @odidev. Thanks for your interest in the Pitstop sample application!

I have fixed the version of MailDev to 1.1.0 because I had issues with the latest version (see commit 3cb01f5). So you should use 1.1.0 (and ports 25 and 80).

I was not able to reproduce this issue on Ubuntu AMD64 (using WSL2!).

Please double check the log output of the services to see whether all messages are being sent over RabbitMQ and the NotificationService and InvoiceService receive events after planning or completing a maintenance-job. Then send a DayHasPassed event and watch the log output of the NotificationService and InvoiceService.

Hi EdwinVW

Thanks for the quick response! I have followed your suggestion and tested the pitstop application with maildev v.1.10 and it is working fine for me. 

I have also worked on deploying the microservices on docker swarm although facing issue while running the webapp and related services as their state is failed/rejected/shutdown. Please have a look at the logs below:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-25-158:~/pitstop/src$ sudo docker stack ps pitstop
ID             NAME                                       IMAGE                                              NODE               DESIRED STATE   CURRENT STATE                 ERROR                              PORTS
ibna98t1fcnb   pitstop_auditlogservice.1                  odidev/auditlogservice:latest                  ip-172-31-21-184   Running         Running 3 hours ago     
gm4blorwdv9p   pitstop_customermanagementapi.1            odidev/customermanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-17-87    Running         Starting 6 seconds ago  
yiostvz6rzus    \_ pitstop_customermanagementapi.1        odidev/customermanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-23-108   Shutdown        Failed 11 seconds ago         "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
y4vkvt3eqa0l    \_ pitstop_customermanagementapi.1        odidev/customermanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-23-108   Shutdown        Failed 49 seconds ago         "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
80hbiqqwzr5g    \_ pitstop_customermanagementapi.1        odidev/customermanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Failed about a minute ago     "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
luhdljb2aw8s    \_ pitstop_customermanagementapi.1        odidev/customermanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Failed 2 minutes ago          "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
yw6lw8nxlsqb   pitstop_invoiceservice.1                   odidev/invoiceservice:latest                   ip-172-31-25-158   Running         Running 3 hours ago     
b7uhyn1r55l0   pitstop_logserver.1                        datalust/seq:latest                                ip-172-31-19-51    Running         Running 3 hours ago     
unquzuc75yp5   pitstop_mailserver.1                       maildev/maildev:1.1.1                              ip-172-31-19-51    Running         Running 3 hours ago     
pjixxfcmh8bk   pitstop_notificationservice.1              odidev/notificationservice:latest              ip-172-31-21-184   Running         Running 3 hours ago     
k17o6106bblh   pitstop_rabbitmq.1                         rabbitmq:3-management-alpine                       ip-172-31-25-158   Running         Running 3 hours ago     
ziyi75r4avnp   pitstop_sqlserver.1                        mcr.microsoft.com/azure-sql-edge:latest            ip-172-31-25-158   Running         Running 3 hours ago     
p87nfbd69nvo   pitstop_timeservice.1                      odidev/timeservice:latest                      ip-172-31-23-108   Running         Running 3 hours ago     
ng6mss96nbyd   pitstop_vehiclemanagementapi.1             odidev/vehiclemanagementapi:latest             ip-172-31-23-108   Running         Starting 8 seconds ago  
l9j8x9qkgsyk    \_ pitstop_vehiclemanagementapi.1         odidev/vehiclemanagementapi:latest             ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Failed 14 seconds ago         "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
drbic50nepaa    \_ pitstop_vehiclemanagementapi.1         odidev/vehiclemanagementapi:latest             ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Failed 52 seconds ago         "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
v8lw92u4sztf    \_ pitstop_vehiclemanagementapi.1         odidev/vehiclemanagementapi:latest             ip-172-31-23-108   Shutdown        Failed about a minute ago     "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
m5q1fuq952hh    \_ pitstop_vehiclemanagementapi.1         odidev/vehiclemanagementapi:latest             ip-172-31-23-108   Shutdown        Failed 2 minutes ago          "task: non-zero exit (143): do…"
yl7629roadj4   pitstop_webapp.1                           odidev/webapp:latest                           ip-172-31-17-87    Running         Starting 12 seconds ago 
rjzen38h64cd    \_ pitstop_webapp.1                       odidev/webapp:latest                           ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Complete 17 seconds ago 
prsiliz52kvl    \_ pitstop_webapp.1                       odidev/webapp:latest                           ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Complete 56 seconds ago 
29k7r2mekvj0    \_ pitstop_webapp.1                       odidev/webapp:latest                           ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Complete about a minute ago
w5dt8ldpl6zy    \_ pitstop_webapp.1                       odidev/webapp:latest                           ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Complete 2 minutes ago  
v6nupriwmtjb   pitstop_workshopmanagementapi.1            odidev/workshopmanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-17-87    Running         Starting 12 seconds ago 
w69f7dc8t4f3    \_ pitstop_workshopmanagementapi.1        odidev/workshopmanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-21-184   Shutdown        Complete 17 seconds ago 
wxppkqut39ka    \_ pitstop_workshopmanagementapi.1        odidev/workshopmanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-23-108   Shutdown        Complete 56 seconds ago 
pbvzzsdb9a1f    \_ pitstop_workshopmanagementapi.1        odidev/workshopmanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Complete about a minute ago
rk2435i1kbef    \_ pitstop_workshopmanagementapi.1        odidev/workshopmanagementapi:latest            ip-172-31-17-87    Shutdown        Complete 2 minutes ago  
damklupetp75   pitstop_workshopmanagementeventhandler.1   odidev/workshopmanagementeventhandler:latest   ip-172-31-19-51    Running         Running 3 hours ago     

Please find below the steps I used to deploy pitstop through docker swarm: - 

  1. First created multiple ubuntu instances on aws. Added inbound rule mentioned here and port 2377 for docker swarm. Performed this step on all the instances. 
  2. Installed docker and docker-compose in all the instances using below mentioned commands: sudo apt update, sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose –y 
  3. Considered one of the instances as manager/Master node and ran below mentioned command: - ````docker swarm init --advertise-addr ``` 
  4. The token shown in the above output docker swarm join --token <TOKEN> <Manager Node IP>:2377 used it to add worker nodes to the cluster. This command has to run on worker nodes. 
  5. Checked if all the nodes are joined to master node using this command: - docker node ls 
  6. Created an overlay network on which docker container are going to communicate from different nodes. Ran this docker network create -d overlay testservice command to create an overlay network. 
  7. Now deployed the container over the docker swarm cluster using this docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml pitstop command. 
  8. Now checked all the container are running by using below mentioned command: - docker stack ps pitstop 

Note: - I have used docker-compose.yml as my docker-swarm.yml file and modified it with these changes.  

It will be really helpful if you could share your pointers here to resolve the issue.

Unfortunately, I have no experience with Docker Swarm. So I won't be able to really help you with the issue.

The logging also doesn't provide enough information to determine what the issue is: "task: non-zero exit (143): do…". The do... part could contain valuable information on the issue, but the entire exception or error is not shown.

If I had to guess what could be the issue, then I would look at what the Pitstop services do when they are started. They try to connect to SQL Server and RabbitMQ. Perhaps these containers took too long to come up. Although, the Pitstop services retry 10 times (with an interval of 5 seconds for RabbitMQ and 10 seconds for SQL Server). So that should be enough.

So I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you.

Hi @odidev. Can I close this issue?

Hi EdwinVW,

Thanks for your previous pointers, I have made progress with deploying pitstop through docker swarm. Please find below the steps for the same:

  1. Modify the CustomerManagementAPI, VehicleManagementAPI and WorkshopManagementAPI dockerfiles to remove the line No.20 of HEALTHCHECK.
  2. After modifying the dockerfiles, I built the image and pushed it to dockerhub to use for testing.
  3. Follow the rest of the steps as mentioned in the previous comment

Note: - HEALTHCHECK doesn’t work with docker swarm that’s why needed to remove the same while deploying services through docker swarm.

Now I am able to successfully deploy all the services through docker swarm. Please have a look at the logs: -

ubuntu@ip-172-31-24-75:~/pitstop/src$ sudo docker stack ps pitstop 

ID             NAME                                       IMAGE                                              NODE               DESIRED STATE   CURRENT STATE            ERROR                              PORTS 

lhrvwp1jjvqv   pitstop_auditlogservice.1                  odidev/auditlogservice:latest                  ip-172-31-19-6     Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

2hsswba6tczy   pitstop_customermanagementapi.1            odidev/customermanagementapi-health:latest     ip-172-31-19-6     Running         Running 2 minutes ago    

fp38iguxrfde   pitstop_invoiceservice.1                   odidev/invoiceservice:latest                   ip-172-31-21-115   Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

phfmvekcfam2   pitstop_logserver.1                        datalust/seq:latest                            ip-172-31-24-75    Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

9cgmisn6e6ad   pitstop_mailserver.1                       odidev/maildev-arm64:1.1.0                     ip-172-31-24-75    Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

7vrfmyk6glis   pitstop_notificationservice.1              odidev/notificationservice:latest              ip-172-31-30-181   Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

4p45ekp2gdqd   pitstop_rabbitmq.1                         rabbitmq:3-management-alpine                   ip-172-31-24-75    Running         Running 4 minutes ago    

tsb7a64pvao8   pitstop_sqlserver.1                        mcr.microsoft.com/azure-sql-edge:latest        ip-172-31-30-181   Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

ypwnmg9h8hz5   pitstop_timeservice.1                      odidev/timeservice:latest                      ip-172-31-19-6     Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

wwg7ph5te9vu   pitstop_vehiclemanagementapi.1             odidev/vehiclemanagementapi-health:latest      ip-172-31-30-181   Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

eb2ei2aanm6w   pitstop_webapp.1                           odidev/webapp-health:latest                    ip-172-31-21-115   Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

yx56uzhqlps8   pitstop_workshopmanagementapi.1            odidev/workshopmanagementapi-health:latest     ip-172-31-21-115   Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

o9gl0iecurwq   pitstop_workshopmanagementeventhandler.1   odidev/workshopmanagementeventhandler:latest   ip-172-31-24-75    Running         Running 5 minutes ago    

Although when trying to test the services in browser some services are showing as offline. Please have a look at the logs below: -

  • CustomerManagementAPI

  • VehicleManagementAPI

  • WorkshopManagementAPI

It would be helpful if you could suggest some pointers on what might be the reason for the services being offline.

The services are probably not offline, but the URI used to connect to them is probably not correct. Please check the following things:

  • Have you setup networking correctly for the services to communicate to eachother?
  • Have you configured the URIs for the services correctly in the appsettings.Production.json of the WebApp (use the hostnames of the services inside the Docker Swarm network)?
  • Browse to the URI of a service (use the hostnames of the services inside the Docker Swarm network). You should see a link to the Swagger UI of the service.

I'm not familiar with Docker swarm, but I guess that the hostnames are pitstop_customermanagementapi.1, pitstop_vehiclemanagementapi.1 and pitstop_workshopmanagementapi.1.

Hi EdwinVW,

Thanks for your suggestion. I have implemented the same, but all 3 services are still offline. I have checked adding networks in config file but no progress.

Please do share if you have any other pointers.


I'm sorry @odidev, but I'm not able to help you any further (as I have no experience with Docker Swarm).

Hi @odidev. Can I close this issue (as I'm not able to help you any further)?

@EdwinVW Thanks for your previous input, it was helpful. I have been working on performance testing the pitstop application with locust.io on aws ec2 ubuntu arm64 instance. Please find below a detailed explanation of the same:

  • To test the pitstop application, first, we created a Python file that will store the host IP and the number of users which we want to create.
  • Created a Python script that will create multiple users. This script will also store the credentials of all the users we have created using this script in user_Credentials.json. This file will be used by another test to login into the accounts.
  • The Python script will create a JSON file that contains details regarding the users, and it will be used to connect to the pitstop webapp and register the customers then locust will do the performance testing on the same.

Please find below the steps to test the same:

  1. Install the dependencies below to run the script on Ubuntu ec2 instance.
sudo apt install python3-locust  
pip3 install locust  
pip3 install faker 
  1. Created a python file that will store the host IP and the number of users which we want to create. Please check Create environmentVariable.py · odidev/pitstop@6411bd0 (github.com) for the same.

  2. Created a python script that will create users (for now created for only CustomerManagement API). Please check Create signUP.py · EdwinVW/pitstop@8ac6717 (github.com) for the same.

  3. To run the script use below mentioned command to run the script locust -f signUP.py

  4. Although after running the above command getting the below error in the command line, please have a look:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-221:~/locust$ locust -f signUP.py
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py:116: PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 0.1.43ubuntu1 is an invalid version and will not be supported in a future release
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py:116: PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 1.1build1 is an invalid version and will not be supported in a future release
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py:116: PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 2.0.5-build-libtorrent-rasterbar-QyJODx-libtorrent-rasterbar-2.0.5-bindings-python is an invalid version and will not be supported in a future release
WARNING:root:You have tagged your on_stop/start function with @task. This will make the method get called both as a task AND on stop/start.
[2023-04-19 08:10:29,831] ip-172-31-23-221/INFO/locust.main: Starting web interface at (accepting connections from all network interfaces)
[2023-04-19 08:10:29,842] ip-172-31-23-221/INFO/locust.main: Starting Locust 2.14.2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/gevent/greenlet.py", line 908, in gevent._gevent_cgreenlet.Greenlet.run
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/locust/user/users.py", line 176, in run_user
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/locust/user/users.py", line 142, in run
  File "/home/ubuntu/sakshi/locust/signUP.py", line 58, in on_start
    logging.info('Register Customer with %s email and %s password', self.email, self.password)
AttributeError: 'MyLoadTester' object has no attribute 'email'
2023-04-19T08:13:02Z <Greenlet at 0xffff9fa75760: run_user(<signUP.MyLoadTester object at 0xffffa4429e70>)> failed with AttributeError

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/gevent/greenlet.py", line 908, in gevent._gevent_cgreenlet.Greenlet.run
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/locust/user/users.py", line 176, in run_user
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/locust/user/users.py", line 142, in run
  File "/home/ubuntu/sakshi/locust/signUP.py", line 58, in on_start
    logging.info('Register Customer with %s email and %s password', self.email, self.password)
AttributeError: 'MyLoadTester' object has no attribute 'email'
2023-04-19T08:13:02Z <Greenlet at 0xffff9fa756c0: run_user(<signUP.MyLoadTester object at 0xffffa4429ba0>)> failed with AttributeError

[2023-04-19 08:13:03,272] ip-172-31-23-221/INFO/locust.main: Shutting down (exit code 0)
  1. Also, to view the locust open this http://:8089 URL in your local browser. However, there is no output coming for now in the locust UI due to the error mentioned above.


After exploring the above issue, it seems like it is because of the Request verification Token that is being generated in the payload when we register a customer to the customer management portal.


It would be really helpful if you could share pointers on this. Please share your thoughts on this.

Hi @odidev. As stated, I'm not able to help you any further with this. So I will close the issue.