
Missing documentation and option for lockscreen pin setup

CamilleHbp opened this issue · 1 comments

I was wondering if this part could be added to the documentation, or even better as an option in oxide's menu?

I had an old pin setup with decay from a year ago. I removed oxide since I was not really using it. I recently reinstalled it and it used the /home/root/.config/Eeems/decay.conf. Luckily I remembered the password and could access the reader but I had no idea how to remove the pin since it was not available in oxide's options.

I had to search through the Github's issues to finally find a comment which I put underneath. I don't think that makes it easy for people to find the information.

I would be willing to alter the documentation in a PR if you point me in the right direction. ;)

systemctl stop tarnish
rm /home/root/.config/Eeems/decay.conf
systemctl start tarnish

Thanks for alerting me about forgetting to update the version number on v2.1.2, I'll get a new build with the updated version number ASAP.

Originally posted by @Eeems in #142 (comment)

Eeems commented