
New Field Type: JSON

EitanBlumin opened this issue · 3 comments

Implement new field/parameter type: JSON
Editing the field would either be done using a regular TextArea input, or a SummerNote control with code highlighting (if supported).

Displaying the field should be simple enough using a combination of javascript and jquery.

It theoretically would also be possible to either make use of the jstree library, or using the built-in Bootstrap controls (such as collapsible accordion).

  • Check if summernote supports code highlighting for JSON documents
  • Write function renderJSON that would generate either bootstrap accordion tree, or use the jstree library.
  • Add field type in portal.DataViewFieldTypes

Additionally, it should be preferable to add a new field to portal.DataViewField which would be used to configure the schema for the JSON object (i.e. something like the JSON declarations in TypeScript).
This schema should create constraints on the manipulations a user can perform on the JSON document. For example: Which elements they can add, which attributes, what values, etc.

this error is beacause i have not Implement new field/parameter type: JSON
DataTables warning: table id=mainGrid - ERROR -2147217900: Incorrect syntax near 'JSON'.

Hi omnielong,

As I mentioned in the other issue, you need SQL Server 2016 or newer, as it is a minimum requirement.
It is the first SQL Server version with built-in support for JSON functionality.

witj SQL server i install all program