
Start parameter the third

Sascha321 opened this issue · 3 comments

Why do you keep closing the post? Is that the help you are offering?

  1. do not agree with the alternative:
  2. Open the Configuration page
  3. select trade mode "Arbitrage" Press Actions -> Restart and the bot will restart with correct start parameters for arbitrage mode

I know it works myself.

I would like it to work via the call, what am I doing wrong?
node app.js --debug --arbitrage --config = leverage --trader = RealTimeTrader --noUpdate --noBrowser

In my config it is --arbitrage. If that does not work please ensure your --config=leverage actually contains an arbitrage config (and not a trading config).

If you say my "restart bot" solution works for you, here's how you can find the correct parameters easily:

  1. restart in arbitrage mode
  2. check the running node processes and look at the parameters of WolfBot
  3. start the bot with those parameters

I don't know how to monitor the node process.

on unix system use ps aux command or on windows try a better task manager, for example https://github.com/DavidXanatos/TaskExplorer