Super HIGH PING in-game
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Before everything, DONT DELETE MY POST, i asked for help everywhere, in Discord and Reddit
In reddit i was ignored the 5 times i posted this, in discord i was trolled and got like 100 trash jokes
This is the last place that i can look for help, please don't ignore me this time.
Before you ask yes, i have a normal internet connection.
10MBPs, it's not a lot but it works in everygame has expected.
The problem is that when im outside a server i got 80 - 120 ping like it has to be.
BUT when i get ingame ping rises up from 80-120 to 300 - 6000 or even more, it's so laggy that sometimes !ping command doesnt work, i have to spam !ping to get a response.
This happens on EVERY SERVER, i don't know what to do, i tried everything, reinstalled windows, reinstalled the game, updated drivers, uninstalled SmartByte (i got a dell gaming laptop and it comes with that crap preinstalled)
This started to happen after the Server Browser update in 0.6, but i tried using another server browser on chrome, even i tried the server.connect command and i get the same results.
i noticed that ping rises up everywhere while playing eldewrito, i was using ping test ingame and when not ingame
Out of the game ping from my location (Veracruz, Mexico) to Dallas = 99ms
In game ping from my location to Dallas = 782ms
Is the game downloading things or something???
why this happens?
IS there any fix???
-And yes, this problem only happens in eldewrito, it doesnt happen in GTA V, CSGO, Overwatch, Fortnite....-
System specs
Win 10 1709
8GB RAM 2666Mhz DDR4L
SSD 128 GB (Game is installed here)
Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB NO OC