Convert Markdown into presentation slides
MarkdownPoint can be used to parse simple Markdown and generate a PDF representation of a given Markdown input.
By adding <==>
to a Markdown document, it is possible to create a new 'slide' in a presentation.
Using the following markdown document as a guide, the following Markdown functionality is planned:
- Headings
- Heading Size 1
- Heading Size 2
- Heading Size 3
- Heading Size 4
- Paragraph text
- Unformatted
- Bold
- Underline
- Strikethrough
- Italic
- Bullet points
- Top level bullet points
- Second level bullet points
- Third level bullet points
- Links
- In-line link
- In-line link with title (may not be possible)
- Referential links
- Links containing images
- Images
- Inline images
- Inline images with reference text
- Pre-formatted text
- Inline code formatting
- Element code formatting
- Tables
- Inline table
- Table cell centre alignment
- Table cell right alignment
- Element Quotes
- Unformatted text
- Containing bold text
- Containing underline text
- Containing italic text
- Containing strikethrough
- Horizontal Rule
- Asterisk
- Hyphen
- Underscore