rpidatv is a digital television transmitter for Raspberry Pi (B,B+ and PI2) which output directly to GPIO. (Created by Evariste Courjaud F5OEO. Code is GPL)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install rpi-update && sudo rpi-update && sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https && sudo apt-get install git && git clone git://github.com/f5oeo/rpidatv && cd rpidatv/src && make -j 4 ./install.sh This install leandvb : a simple dvb-s receiver with rtl-sdr usb dongle ([leandvb dvb-s receiver](http://www.pabr.org/radio/leandvb/leandvb.en.html)) You can run the receiver : ./scripts/leandvb2video.sh Plug a wire on GPIO 12, means Pin 32 of the GPIO header ([header P1](http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals#General_Purpose_Input.2FOutput_.28GPIO.29)): this act as the antenna. Length depend on transmit frequency, but with few centimeters it works for local testing. rpidatv is located in /bin folderrpidatv -1.3.0
rpidatv -i File Input -s Symbolrate -c Fec [-o OutputMode] [-f frequency output] [-l] [-p Power] [-h]
-i path to Transport File Input
-s SymbolRate in KS (125-4000)
-c Fec : 1/2 or 3/4 or 5/6 or 7/8
-m OutputMode
{RF(Modulate QSK in RF need -f option to set frequency)}
{IQ(Output QPSK I/Q}
{PARALLEL(Output parallel (DTX1,MINIMOD..)}
{IQWITHCLK(Output I/Q with CLK (F5LGJ)}
{DIGITHIN (Output I/Q for Digithin)}
-f Frequency to output in RF Mode in MHZ
-l loop file input
-p Power on output 1..7
-x GPIO Pin output for I or RF {12,18,40}
-y GPIO Pin output for Q {13,19,41,45}
-h help (print this help).
Example : sudo ./rpidatv -i sample.ts -s 250 -c 1/2 -o RF -f 437.5 -l
You can launch a graphical menu located in /scripts folder ./frmenu.sh for french language ./gbmenu.sh for english language