Feature Request - IlesIcon module
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It would be nice to have an iles-icon
module that can provide the ability use & treeshake over 100,000 Iconify icons.
Similar to AstroIcon and NuxtIcon.
Describe alternatives you've considered
Currently, we can use unocss/preset-icons to use and treeshake iconify icons.
Sample repo - https://github.com/TechAkayy/nature-delights-with-iles (BaseIcon component used in HeroSection component)
Stackblitz is not loading the above repo properly, so please clone the git repo to test.
Due to current peer dependencies issue, to install use the force flag. Use command npm install --force
Thanks in advance!
Hi ๐
Have you tried @islands/icons
It allows you to use any icons, and with auto-import you get tree-shaking out of the box.
Thanks bunch Max.
The above feature request is a little different to the unplugin-icons way.
For eg, AstroIcon & NuxtIcon, we can specify the icon name as a prop. It's quite useful especially with antfu's vs-code iconify extension (https://github.com/antfu/vscode-iconify). It delivers a great developer experience.
Also, using Icon as a special component has great flexibility and has some advantages over using the unplugin-icons way which many of us have encountered. Here are some related threads - unplugin/unplugin-icons#203, Vuetify
Shipping an IlesIcon component as part of the current @islands/icons module that supports specifying icon-names as props might be a nice win supporting both unplugin-icons & the prop way.
For eg, Nuxt icon is wrapper on top of @iconify/vue component (https://github.com/nuxt-modules/icon/blob/main/src/runtime/Icon.vue). They also have another version called IconCSS (fetches the icon from iconify api at build/ssr time).
I like the idea, I think it would make sense to favor this approach in @islands/icons
Would like to know whether that approach would support configuring and using custom icons, as that's currently possible with unplugin-icons
with very little effort.
AFAIK, Iconify already provides some robust utilities to load custom icons.
- Unocss/preset-icons use the iconify utils to support custom icons - https://github.com/unocss/unocss/tree/main/packages/preset-icons#nodejs
- NuxtIcon currently doesn't support custom icons explicitly yet, Sebastien suggested using unplugin-icons for this or the third-party nuxt-icons module for now.
- AstroIcon handles local icons using svgo - https://github.com/natemoo-re/astro-icon#local-icons