
Map button to multiple keys

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Some console games have use and reload on the same button, while the keyboard has them as two separate keys.
I would like to be able to bind Square to press both E and R at the same time without hold or chorded press.

Agreed, I don't see the functionality often demonstrated, but for the example you described, that's a terrible way to implement this feature. Do you want to reload EVERY TIME you interact? In fast-paced games, no you do not.

Look at the readme section under Tap & Hold: Even in Apex Legends when Square is mapped to two functions, the solution is a decision between a long press for whichever is considered the more relaxed function. This is the equivalent in game:

W = R E
Tapping Square does the reload, and holding it does the Use function. If you consider Reload the more relaxed, use instead:
W = E R

If you need the second function active immediately, or if you absolutely must have a output of two simultaneous keys, which is very rare and is normally poorly designed for keyboard use, use the instant (!) action modifier. There is a buffer of time under which the next key must be pressed after the first to be recognized as a new function. It's impossible for a human to press two keys at exactly the same time every intended time. Take advantage of this.

You may bind two different keys on the same event by applying the same event modifier to both:
S = A\ B\ # Hit keys A and B when I press S