
bibstyle option returns "no style found"

joseparreiras opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried using the bibstyle = authoryear option as in the guide but it returns an error. Code runs fine without it. Also any other choice of bibstyle seems to get the same error.

The latest version use biber instead of bibtex, you can refer to https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Biblatex_citation_styles.

and what's your error msg?

You can try compiling this code.

    author       = {陈登原},
    title        = {国史旧闻},
    volume       = {1},
    address      = {北京},
    publisher    = {中华书局},
    year         = {2000},
    pages        = {29},
    author       = {哈里森·沃尔德伦},
    translator   = {谢远涛},
    title        = {经济数学与金融数学},
    address      = {北京},
    publisher    = {**人民大学出版社},
    year         = {2012},
    pages        = {235--236},
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title=\ebibname]