

konhi opened this issue · 0 comments

konhi commented


  • https://nextjs.org/blog/layouts-rfc: this will allow us to use Automatic Static Optimization when fetching in _app.tsx. We can do it with nextjs-preval if we go to production before layout RFC.
  • Remove Chakra UI: it takes several kbs, and we don't really have to use it
  • Longer caching for images from Strapi: since we add hash to every url, it can be cached permanently, but it seems to be hard on Next.js/Vercel
  • Layout Shift: on smaller devices, there's layout shift related to masonry css - we might want to disable it somehow when it's mobile device
  • React to Preact: this should save us several kbs, but it might be uncompatible
  • SVG logo
  • Further image optimization
  • Smaller bundle: npm run analyze
  • Dynamic Import: e.g. Footer