
IBKR Imports missing Symbol

cainfe opened this issue · 5 comments

When I import trades from Interactive Brokers following the instructions in brokers. My trades import with their Symbols being blank. Looking at the CSV, the column for "UnderlyingSymbol" has blank data and the column for "Symbol" has the right data, if I switch their names (so that the previously named "Symbol" column becomes "UnderlyingSymbol") it imports correctly.

I think the line here

temp.Symbol = element["UnderlyingSymbol"]
would need to be changed. I just started using IBKR and I only trade stocks and I'm not exactly sure how this comes into play.

I have the same issue, but for the futures it works correct(for example you want to see CL(UnderlyingSymbol) instead of CLH4(Symbol)), because Symbol changes every month and you want to see the whole statictics.
I think it would be nice to add something like this here:

line 597
temp.Type = "stock"
temp.Symbol = element["Symbol"]
if (element.AssetClass == "FUT") {
temp.Type = "future"
temp.Symbol = element["UnderlyingSymbol"]

@cainfe @HadronUA : can we please move this conversation to Discord ? I need more infos + make tests. Please ping me when on Discord.

@7aklhz ok. My Discord username is hadronua.

I don't see you on our discord @HadronUA . Please connect to https://discord.gg/ZbHekKYb85

Resolved in commit 7828012.