
Feature - On the fly modifier fields like Roll20 OGL Sheet

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It would be great to have easy to use quick toggle modifiers like you have on Roll20.

Here's a messy screenshot of what I'm referring to:


This allows you to quickly add context-sensitive dice combinations or flat numbers without needing any macros or dealing with Active Effects. Would be great for newcomer converts from Roll20.

I think the active effects core mechanism is the "right" way to handle these conditional modifiers. I'm not willing to break from the Foundry methodology so hard with just a sheet module. The goal of the sheet module is to make core's mechanisms more familiar or more usable but not to replace them.

That said, I agree that the UI and UX for active effects could be made more close to the Roll20 way. That's a sizable ask I think, but a good idea.

Here's my thoughts on the under the hood of how to make this work:

  • Each area with a "Global Modifier" has a + button. This + button creates a new effect with the fields appropriate to that area pre-filled out.
    e.g. Under the Saving Throws section, the + button would create a new effect with the Saving Throw bonus fields already added.
  • Each area with a "Global Modifier" section has a filtered list of effects on the Actor as well as an activate/deactivate button.
    e.g. the Skills section would have Effects that modify skills under it, ready to be toggled on and off, but not other effects

So effectively we've taken the idea of Active Effects and applied them in such a way to the sheet such that they are easier to correlate to Roll20's global modifiers.

I'll be honest I'm not sure that I'm going to get to this any time soon as it is a sizable undertaking.