
[BUG] Missing Parameters, phoneID and token are required

Opened this issue · 4 comments

tried to use this library in my nuxt 3 app, i get:
Missing Parameters, phoneID and token are required

even tho i do pass values to it:

new Client(process.env.WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER_ID!, process.env.WHATSAPP_ACCESS_TOKEN!, undefined, {
    businessAccountID: process.env.WHATSAPP_ACCOUNT_ID!,

the issue is in here:

const client = new Client("", "", "");

this should be removed :)

the error i get after is Client is not a constructor

Hi Flowko,

Thanks for your report. I want to be upfront - this library is currently not under active development. I originally built it for my personal use and have been modifying the files as needed for my own projects.

I really, really want to resume development of this library. In fact, I'm planning to start working on a new version from scratch, aiming to create a more efficient and robust library with all the necessary features. I hope to have a first version ready soon.

Regarding your specific issue, I'll fix the library to address the bug you reported. You can expect a new version on NPM tomorrow that should resolve this problem.

I'll look into the other issues you've reported and will keep you updated.

Your feedback is valuable and I appreciate you taking the time to report these problems. It's input like this that will help shape the new version of the library.

I'd like to mention that I would be thrilled to have any help in developing the future version of this library. I'm very open to collaborating with anyone interested in contributing, even in small ways. As a single developer with limited resources, I'd love to see a solid WhatsApp library for JS+TS, and any support would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for your interest and patience.

great, i've cloned the library here:

im doing some fixes while checking it out, feel free to take them and apply them to this library, thanks