
FLEX Capcodes in groupmessages inconsistent (Master Branch)

jkctech opened this issue · 42 comments

I am running 2 instances of a FLEX decoder on 2 seperate machines.

On the current Multimon Master Branch groupmessages are not always displayed properly. Whenever a groupmessage is received, sometimes only the first capcode is displayed and the rest of the groupcodes are discarded.

In the following image, the message marked in pink is displayed wrong on the left instance and correct on the right one.
The message marked in green is displayed correctly on both sides. (Hence the "inconsistency")

On version 1.1.8 I am receiving these groupmessages correctly consistently so I guess this bug has been introduced in Master
I downgraded to version 1.1.8 on the left machine as well to deduce issues with hardware, but then I get consistent correct messages again.

This for me concludes there is an issue with multimon itself in the Matser Branch. I also tried re-installing just in case, that did not help either.

Specs of both machines:

Raspberry Pi
Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)

If you need any more information, please let me know. I will try and see if I can make a PR myself if I find the problem.

Edit: Where I mentioned 1.1.9 before, I meant the Master branch. This bug does NOT apply in the actual release 1.1.9.

I'm having the same issue. Version 1.1.9 seems to work fine though.
Looking forward for an update 😊.

@Zanoroy @rfarley3: It would be great if you could have a look at this.

@EliasOenal to be honest @rfarley3 change a lot of that base code, I'd have to re-study it quite a bit to see what is happening.

If @rfarley3 doesn't have time or is a no show, ping me in a week or so and I'll throw some time at it.

@Steffion or @jkctech could upload an audio recoding of a group message page that show exibits the issue that would be handy as where I am I don't have group messaging over the air.


@Zanoroy I would have to build a setup for that again, will be in a few days at best but will look into that!

I think I was able to get a recording file.
I am expecting the following (v1.1.9):
FLEX|2021-11-14 14:55:06|1600/2/K/A|13.114|002029568 000120999 000120177|ALN|A2 (DIA) 13177 Boterbloem Uithoorn 109517

But I actually got (with the master version):
FLEX|1600/2|13.114.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA) 13177 Boterbloem Uithoorn 109517

See attached recording. Let me know if this is useful or if you need more examples.

multimon group message.wav.zip

@jkctech and @Steffion Ok, I'll give @rfarley3 another couple of days and than I'll fire my the development server I have and hook into it.

Just out of intrest @jkctech I take it you have moved to some other means of getting your Data offair, was the main reason for the change this issue?

@Zanoroy Thanks for your effort man, highly appreciated :) It's more that I have several receivers running across the country on Raspberry Pi's that are hosted by other people which I cannot access haha

I am running everything on my pager collecting network forced on 1.1.9 because of this specific issue indeed. Had to do some python magic to merge group messages efficiently, which is why I preferred the 'newer' version over 1.1.9 at the start but I had to rollback after I found this issue while comparing datasets.

@Steffion I just ran that audio through the multimon-ng 1.1.9 but still only got the following:
FLEX|2021-11-15 09:26:04|1600/2/K/A|13.114|002029568|ALN|A2 (DIA) 13177 Boterbloem Uithoorn 109517

Are you sure we have the correctly captured data?

@Zanoroy I am afraid my previous recording might be too short. I tried it again just now and compared it with the multimon versions. See below.

multimon 1.1.9 (what we expected):
FLEX|2021-11-15 09:34:47|1600/2/K/A|08.070|002029568 001320041 001320001|ALN|A1 Middelburg rit: 141070 FLEX|2021-11-15 09:34:47|1600/2/K/A|08.078|002029568 001220649 001220499|ALN|A2 Tilburg rit: 141071 (Directe inzet: ja)

multimon master:
FLEX|1600/2|08.070.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|0001320041|0001320001|A1 Middelburg rit: 141070 FLEX|1600/2|08.078.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Tilburg rit: 141071 (Directe inzet: ja)

Notice the missing codes in the second message. First message seems to be fine?

multimon group message.wav.zip

Thanks again.

If you want an even longer recording for more logs let me know.

Thanks @Steffion A longer one would be handy, at the moment I need to repeat this file around 32 times to be able to live debug the code.

@jkctech and @Steffion and is the desired format bar seperated? or space seperated?
FLEX|1600/2|08.070.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|0001320041|0001320001|A1 Middelburg rit: 141070
FLEX|1600/2|08.070.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|0001320041 0001320001|A1 Middelburg rit: 141070

OK, this is going to take a bit. Its been mostly re-written from my original code (1.1.9). I'll need to see what I can do to fix the code base while keeping the fixes (I believe that at least 2 issues that were fixed when this version was released)

@Steffion A longer recording will be a great help if you can please..

@Zanoroy I recorded for a few minutes, it contains multiple messages. I hope it helps.
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsIrfXRmLgdKp5VNmJbbXvZEHfv62A?e=8dan9Z (The file is too large for GitHub)

Regarding the separator, I don't mind personally. I think with spaces it is more clear that it's the same group?

The fix isn't that urgent for me, the 1.1.9 version is fine for me now :). Take your time.

@Steffion Thank you for the data. I won't rush things. I need to see what the desirable changes were and how to fix the message parsing. I have found where the issue is, but I cannot 'just fix' it at the moment as rfarley3 has tried to "stream line" the process so I'm not sure what the flow on effect is.

Thanks Again, I'll let you know once I have a fix in place.

Hey, sorry for disappearing. I think fundamentally the issue is that I centralized how the strings are appended. It allowed for simpler function calls and more consistent headers for parsing. I clearly don't have good test data though, since this is the 3rd issue or so that appears related.

The previous code base would strcpy as the string was built and then print the final string. I suspect that this works bc it is effectively more atomic than what I do. There are bits of data that are hard to pass along for this strcpy method.

If I have a legal sample of a group message that replicates this, I'd be happy to see how to make the changes I did work better. Bc the other contributors are correct, I refactored heavily. If I can help solve this race condition or overwritten string, then I think we'd be able to retain lots of handy changes.

@rfarley3 Mate, if you have the time to have a look that would be perfect. In the data sample supplied by @Steffion the second group message hits the HDR test and "thinks" the message is incorrectly formatted so throws away the group entry as "invalid" so it never builds the Capcode list.

I'll leave you to look at it. Unless there is something I can help with.


@rfarley3 have you had a chance to look into this issue?

i Have this issue to.

i recived this:
FLEX|1600/2|02.092.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BZB-01 OMS brandmelding Vigere Jeugdzorg Lange Bedde Breda 203133

while i should look like this :
FLEX|1600/2|02.092.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|0001201999|0001201925|0001201444|0001201304|0001201300|0001200191|P 2 BZB-01 OMS brandmelding Vigere Jeugdzorg Lange Bedde Breda 203133

@EliasOenal Do you have time to change this ?

im verry happy with the Grouping of the messages !

Again I was hoping to leave this to @rfarley3 with my limited time at the moment, my only option would be to roll back rfarley3's changes and reimplement the couple of fixes he had added.

@EliasOenal Do you have a preference?

I sadly won't have time to look into this personally. Regarding rolling back the changes, it's something we could consider. But I'm a bit worried it may introduce further regressions in other areas. Alternatively I would be fine to offer both FLEX decoders for the user to choose until the current version is more mature. (E.g. renaming the current one to FLEX-next and bringing the former version back.)

Would an argument switch be a valid option for that? Might be more work, but that way you don't have to support multiple release versions

Well, what I meant was to have two different FLEX decoders. So they're in the same release and can be individually turned on and off. E.g. "-a FLEX-next"

Ok, Well I'm in the middle of moving house. I'll look into it and let you know if A) I can just fix the current code base, or B) We need to implement the 2 decoders method.

@jkctech I've split the two versions of the FLEX decoder into FLEX (1.1.9) and FLEX_NEXT. (Changes from @rfarley3) Although not ideal, this should at least provide a workaround for regressions in the newer version of the decoder. Please let me know if the current master works for you.

I've also just noticed this branch by @rfarley3: rfarley3@755edd5
Could you test if this addresses the capcode issue?

@EliasOenal @jkctech @Steffion @bierviltje

Gents we need to decide which output is prefered.

1.9.0 -
FLEX|2022-09-19 00:51:19|1600/2/K/A|08.070|002029568 001320041 001320001|ALN|A1 Middelburg rit: 141070

Or the rfarley3 format:
FLEX|1600/2|08.070.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|002029568|0001320041|0001320001|A1 Middelburg rit: 141070

I prefer the 1.9.0 version BUT its more up to the users to call out what they prefer.

Let me know and I'll get the demod_flex.c back into a single file supporting all of the fixes and back to a fully working version.

Go for the 1.9.0 formatting. No need to add the "|"delimiter between each CAP code. Users can put each portion in an array themselves and replace the spaces between the capcodes for a delimiter of their choice (and count the number of capcodes if neccesary) with their own code.

The A from "1600/2/K/A" replaces the "ALN" and can also be a T(one) or a N(umeric)?

Ok, I'll give everybody a little more time to reply to see what they think and then re-implement a few of the features rfarley3 had added, plus the fixes for Issue #139 !160

If I would have to choose, I'd prefer the 1.9.0 as well. Easier to process in my opinion since the capcodes are not split into multiple segments anymore

I had a lot of issues decoding the new format. I also agree with bierviltje, it's easier to decode with the spaces etc. So I would say prefer 1.9.0.

Perfect, so everyone in this group agrees that is helpful. :)

@EliasOenal @jkctech @Steffion @bierviltje, this is addressed to all of you.

I have implemented the changes into my copy located at: https://github.com/Zanoroy/multimon-ng

That version is (I believe) implemented all the fixes offered by rfarley3's changes but without the issue with the Group messaging.

This needs testing, the only live flex network near me does not implement dynamic group calling so I have used file previously supplied by @Steffion in this thrad and @bierviltje from multiple other threads. Please let me know once you have had a chance to test and if all is well I will create a pull request for @EliasOenal.

If you find issues PLEASE grab some WAV or RAW recordings for me (let me know what bit rate etc you record at) then I think we should raise new "issues" and close this one.


@paulvanderheijden90 at the moment we use a whitespace as the delimiter between the Group Codes, I guess we could change it to something else such as a comma? If enough people up vote it I can change it simply enough.


You can simply use the whitespaces as a identifier to split the capcodes (like everyone including me probably already do).


I think it's harder for the user to convert a string including an extra delimiter into an array, than splitting it into an array by replacing the whitespace for a comma.

Hello there. Good job, implementing the short instructions group call vector type. But you are still calling it ALN. I'd rather think something like GRP would be more appropriate since it is (as you noticed) is much more complicated than just a group call.

Also, FLEX has so called "continued messages". Is this supported? If a message is too large to fit in a single frame, it will be continued in a next frame. The problem is, you will never know if the first part is fragmented. The fragmented bit is only set for the second, third (etc) part. So receivers (pagers) need to copy/paste the next fragments into the first received part.

Not sure if and how to implement this. Maybe to check if the frame is totally filled up and if so, buffer the data to see what the next frame has to offer. If it contains a message with the fragmented bit set, merge it into the buffer and restart the waiting-process, since there can be more fragments :)

Also, FLEX has so called "continued messages". Is this supported? If a message is too large to fit in a single frame, it will be continued in a next frame. The problem is, you will never know if the first part is fragmented. The fragmented bit is only set for the second, third (etc) part. So receivers (pagers) need to copy/paste the next fragments into the first received part.

Example, as how I implemented this in PDW, 15 years ago :


@PeterHunt 'ALN' is the abbreviation Alpha Numeric. Its been used that way for a very long time now. But if the community up vote the request to change Group Messages to be distinguished differently I'm all for it.

The 'continued message' flag was discussed quite some time back, and it was decided that because Multimon-ng was (at the time) a decoding tool. We wouldn't start messing with the Flex Frame content. The "Continue" flag is passed on and if you want to combine messages that was for the processing tool to do. BUT again, I'm always open to change if that is what is wanted.


@paulvanderheijden90 my coding skills are mediocre.

You probably already split the message into an array with the "|" delimiter to get the bits and pieces you'll need later in your code.

All you have to do is split the part of that array with the capcodes once more with " " as the delimiter. Depending what you want to do: convert it back into a string and eventually add your own delimiter or a line break in that process. Or you can use a loop over that array for further processing.

There's a very basic example for Python here: #123 (comment)

If you need assistance feel free to message me.

Having the issue that sometimes only group codes are logged without the codes part of the group with b8ea8ae which is tag https://github.com/EliasOenal/multimon-ng/releases/tag/1.1.9

I think I was able to get a recording file. I am expecting the following (v1.1.9): FLEX|2021-11-14 14:55:06|1600/2/K/A|13.114|002029568 000120999 000120177|ALN|A2 (DIA) 13177 Boterbloem Uithoorn 109517

But I actually got (with the master version): FLEX|1600/2|13.114.A|0002029568|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA) 13177 Boterbloem Uithoorn 109517

See attached recording. Let me know if this is useful or if you need more examples.

multimon group message.wav.zip

Can anyone share how you run recorded wav files through multimon-ng? I tried the following but that didn't result in any output

sox -t wav test.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw - | multimon-ng -a FLEX -t raw -

I discovered that you can run multiple decoders at the same time so I decided to run both FLEX and FLEX_NEXT against master / abb7288 :

./multimon-ng -a FLEX -a FLEX_NEXT -t raw /var/ram/1.pcm

The only differences are that I tried to unify the logging structure for both FLEX and FLEX_NEXT to more easily compare the lines and the outcome is that:

  1. FLEX_NEXT detects more messages
  • FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.101.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Veghel Rit: 121055||0001120124
  1. FLEX_NEXT doesn't show all capcodes
  • FLEX     |1600/2|09.123.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Oss Rit: 121061|   2029568    1123807    
    FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.123.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Oss Rit: 121061||0002029568
  1. Text message sometimes is corrupt for FLEX_NEXT (see )7)
  • FLEX     |1600/2|05.044.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Ambu 08111 - Nijmegen Rit 262978|   2029568     923111     923100
    FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.044.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Ambu 08111 - Nijmegen Rit 262978)7||0002029568

Likely there are more differences from this recording but these are just differences that I spotted are doing a eyeball comparison


FLEX     |1600/2|06.117.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Utrecht 103968|    726105
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.117.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Utrecht 103968||0000726105
FLEX     |1600/2|06.120.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Hilversum 57324|    723190
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.120.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Hilversum 57324||0000723190
FLEX     |1600/2|07.001.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Prinsenbeek rit: 149419 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220621    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.001.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Prinsenbeek rit: 149419 (Directe inzet: ja)|0001220621|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.007.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Oirschot Rit: 121054|   1123103
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.007.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Oirschot Rit: 121054||0001123103
FLEX     |1600/2|07.018.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 10114 Rit 136654 HA Hoge Poel Hoge Poel Den Oever|   2029568     220114     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.018.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 10114 Rit 136654 HA Hoge Poel Hoge Poel Den Oever|0000220114|0000126999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.025.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Utrecht 103969|    726137
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.025.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Utrecht 103969||0000726137
FLEX     |1600/2|07.027.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 10108 Rit 136655 Dubloen Hoorn NH|   2029568     220108     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.027.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 10108 Rit 136655 Dubloen Hoorn NH||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.040.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Amersfoort 103970|    726591
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.040.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Amersfoort 103970||0000726591
FLEX     |1600/2|07.053.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13108 Czaar Peterstraat 1018 Amsterdam 91324|   2029568     120999     120108
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.053.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13108 Czaar Peterstraat 1018 Amsterdam 91324|0000120999|0000120108||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.058.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07103 DIA Rheden Rit 262923|    920103
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.058.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07103 DIA Rheden Rit 262923||0000920103
FLEX     |1600/2|07.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|07.095.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13110 Abraham Kuyperplein 1067 Amsterdam 91325|   2029568     120999     120110
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.095.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13110 Abraham Kuyperplein 1067 Amsterdam 91325||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.101.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Chocolaterie Pierre Hoofdstraat HILLGM : 16182|   2029568    1523182    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.101.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Chocolaterie Pierre Hoofdstraat HILLGM : 16182X6|0001523182|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.101.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Veghel Rit: 121055||0001120124
FLEX     |1600/2|07.116.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Buitendreef Bogartsakker Veghel|   1130999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.116.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Buitendreef Bogartsakker Veghel||0001130999
FLEX     |1600/2|07.117.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Breda rit: 149420|   2029568    1220940    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.117.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Breda rit: 149420|0001220940|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.121.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Almere 57325|    723143
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.121.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Almere 57325||0000723143
FLEX     |1600/2|08.003.A|..|.|ALN|-----|U bent niet langer actief in de functie Piket_ Arts infectieziektebestrijding(Actief).|   1420503
FLEX     |1600/2|08.003.A|..|.|ALN|-----|U bent nu actief in de functie Piket_ Arts infectieziektebestrijding(Actief).|   1420495
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.003.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|U bent niet langer actief in de functie Piket_ Arts infectieziektebestrijding(Actief).||0001420503
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.003.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|U bent nu actief in de functie Piket_ Arts infectieziektebestrijding(Actief).||0001420495
FLEX     |1600/2|08.004.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06159 - Eibergen Rit 262925|    820159
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.004.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06159 - Eibergen Rit 262925||0000820159
FLEX     |1600/2|08.009.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Ambu 08204 - Nijmegen Rit 262926|    923204
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.009.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Ambu 08204 - Nijmegen Rit 262926||0000923204
FLEX     |1600/2|08.021.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BNH-02 Wateroverlast Koelmalaan Alkmaar 104131|   2029568     205896     204361     204101     202999     200172     200171     108999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.021.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BNH-02 Wateroverlast Koelmalaan Alkmaar 104131|0000205896|0000204361|0000204101|0000202999|0000200172|0000200171|0000108999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.022.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 11138 Rit 136657 Prinsenhof Purmerend|   2029569     126999     123138
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.022.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 11138 Rit 136657 Prinsenhof Purmerend|0000126999|0000123138||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|08.031.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Helvoirt Rit: 121056|   1120341
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.031.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Helvoirt Rit: 121056||0001120341
FLEX     |1600/2|08.037.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06189 DIA 't Harde Rit 262927|    820189
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.037.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06189 DIA 't Harde Rit 262927||0000820189
FLEX     |1600/2|08.039.A|..|.|ALN|-----|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Franselaan Rotterdam ICnum 547918|   1430020
FLEX     |1600/2|08.039.A|..|.|ALN|-----|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Franselaan Rotterdam ICnum 547918|   1430270
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.039.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Franselaan Rotterdam ICnum 547918||0001430020
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.039.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Franselaan Rotterdam ICnum 547918||0001430270
FLEX     |1600/2|08.041.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BON-01 Liftopsluiting NS Station Arnhem Zuid Schuytgraaf Metamorfosenall Arnhem 073731|   2029568     900357     900351     900350     806240
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.041.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BON-01 Liftopsluiting NS Station Arnhem Zuid Schuytgraaf Metamorfosenall Arnhem 073731|0000900357|0000900351|0000900350|0000806240||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.046.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BON-02 BR berm-/bosschage Kronkelweg Slagharen 042338|   2029568     806240     610530     610506     610505     610503
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.046.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BON-02 BR berm-/bosschage Kronkelweg Slagharen 042338||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.050.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 AMBU 17131 Franselaan Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142347|   2029568    1420999    1420031
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.050.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 AMBU 17131 Franselaan Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142347|0001420999|0001420031||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.051.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06185 DIA Hattem Rit 262928|    820185
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.051.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06185 DIA Hattem Rit 262928||0000820185
FLEX     |1600/2|08.068.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06184 VWS Nunspeet Rit 262929|    820184
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.068.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06184 VWS Nunspeet Rit 262929||0000820184
FLEX     |1600/2|08.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Veenendaal 103972|    726142
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Veenendaal 103972||0000726142
FLEX     |1600/2|08.080.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Lelystad 57326|    723141
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.080.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Lelystad 57326||0000723141
FLEX     |1600/2|08.081.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambulancepost Nieuwveen Schoterhoek NWVEEN VWS 16161|   2029568    1523161    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.081.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambulancepost Nieuwveen Schoterhoek NWVEEN VWS 16161|0001523161|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.083.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06156 VWS Groenlo Rit 262930|    820156
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.083.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06156 VWS Groenlo Rit 262930||0000820156
FLEX     |1600/2|08.106.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Blaricum 57327|    723191
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.106.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Blaricum 57327||0000723191
FLEX     |1600/2|08.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.109.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|08.110.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Helvoirt Rit: 121057|   1120108
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.110.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Helvoirt Rit: 121057||0001120108
FLEX     |1600/2|08.115.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Oisterwijk rit: 149421|   2029568    1220646    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.115.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Oisterwijk rit: 149421|0001220646|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.126.A|..|.|ALN|-----|goedemiddag, dienst OVD-G Limburg Midden overgenomen|   1020179
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.126.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|goedemiddag, dienst OVD-G Limburg Midden overgenomen||0001020179
FLEX     |1600/2|08.127.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel A10 Re - Ringweg-Noord Amsterdam|    130007
FLEX     |1600/2|08.127.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel A10 Re - Ringweg-Noord Amsterdam|    130998
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.127.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel A10 Re - Ringweg-Noord Amsterdam||0000130007
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.127.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel A10 Re - Ringweg-Noord Amsterdam||0000130998
FLEX     |1600/2|09.004.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Frederik Hendriklaan Eerste Stationsstraat ZOETMR : 15143|   2029568    1520999    1520043
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.004.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Frederik Hendriklaan Eerste Stationsstraat ZOETMR : 15143|0001520999|0001520043||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.025.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 06164 - Lochem Rit 262934|    820164
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.025.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 06164 - Lochem Rit 262934||0000820164
FLEX     |1600/2|09.031.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 AMBU 17152 Dirk de Derdelaan 3132HE Vlaardingen VLAARD bon 142348|   2029568    1420999    1420052
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.031.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 AMBU 17152 Dirk de Derdelaan 3132HE Vlaardingen VLAARD bon 142348||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.043.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06127 VWS Voorst Voorst Rit 262935|    820127
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.043.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06127 VWS Voorst Voorst Rit 262935||0000820127
FLEX     |1600/2|09.049.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13117 A10 Re - Ringweg-Noord 30,6 Amsterdam 91327|   2029568     120999     120117
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.049.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13117 A10 Re - Ringweg-Noord 30,6 Amsterdam 91327|0000120999|0000120117||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.057.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 11127 Rit 136658 Shell Tankstation Zuiddijk De Rijp|   2029568     126999     123127
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.057.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 11127 Rit 136658 Shell Tankstation Zuiddijk De Rijp|0000126999|0000123127||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.098.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B1 AMBU 17207 Dr. Molewaterplein 3015GD Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142349|   2029568    1420999    1420169
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.098.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B1 AMBU 17207 Dr. Molewaterplein 3015GD Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142349|0001420999|0001420169||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.101.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Oss Rit: 121060|   1120116
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.101.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Oss Rit: 121060||0001120116
FLEX     |1600/2|09.123.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Oss Rit: 121061|   2029568    1123807    1120115
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.123.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Oss Rit: 121061||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.013.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.013.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|10.016.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 08993 Reanimatie Koolenstraat Oss Rit 262937|    923993
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.016.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 08993 Reanimatie Koolenstraat Oss Rit 262937||0000923993
FLEX     |1600/2|10.017.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Poortvliet rit: 149425 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1320125    1320001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.017.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Poortvliet rit: 149425 (Directe inzet: ja)|0001320125|0001320001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.023.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (dia: ja) 11136 Rit 136659 Suze Groenewegstraat Purmerend|   2029568     126999     123136
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.023.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (dia: ja) 11136 Rit 136659 Suze Groenewegstraat Purmerend|0000126999|0000123136||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.072.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Graag telefonisch contact KWC|   1735382
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.072.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Graag telefonisch contact KWC||0001735382
FLEX     |1600/2|10.073.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Aanrijding letsel Molenveldweg Susteren|   1033216
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.073.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Aanrijding letsel Molenveldweg Susteren||0001033216
FLEX     |1600/2|10.074.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13109 Charlotte de Bourbonstraat 1055 Amsterdam 91328|   2029568     120999     120109
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.074.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13109 Charlotte de Bourbonstraat 1055 Amsterdam 91328;2|0000120999|0000120109||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.074.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Aanrijding letsel Swentiboldstraat Susteren||0001033216
FLEX     |1600/2|10.079.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Aanrijding letsel Noordewierweg Amersfoort|    736090
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.079.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Aanrijding letsel Noordewierweg Amersfoort||0000736090
FLEX     |1600/2|10.090.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BLB-02 Ongeval wegvervoer Swentiboldstraat Susteren 235431|   2029568    1005998    1002730    1002548    1002538    1002537    1002531    1002530
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.090.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BLB-02 Ongeval wegvervoer Swentiboldstraat Susteren 235431|0001005998|0001002730|0001002548|0001002538|0001002537|0001002531|0001002530||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.106.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BDH-04 OMS brandmelding Winkelcentrum Leyweg 's-Gravenhage 157730|   2029568    1503902    1500196    1500150
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.106.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BDH-04 OMS brandmelding Winkelcentrum Leyweg 's-Gravenhage 157730|0001503902|0001500196|0001500150||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.111.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Tilburg rit: 149427 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220643    1220499
FLEX     |1600/2|10.111.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 10117 Rit 136660 Frans Halsplantsoen Anna Paulowna|   2029569     220117     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.111.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Tilburg rit: 149427 (Directe inzet: ja)<5||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.111.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 10117 Rit 136660 Frans Halsplantsoen Anna Paulowna||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|11.007.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 12162 Rit 136661 Waterklaverstraat Lisserbroek|   2029568     126999     126162
FLEX     |1600/2|11.007.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 Reanimatie Koning Willem III-straat Woudenberg 096434|   2029569     709560     709287     709283     709280     706001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.007.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 12162 Rit 136661 Waterklaverstraat Lisserbroek/6|0000126999|0000126162||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.007.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 Reanimatie Koning Willem III-straat Woudenberg 096434|0000709560|0000709287|0000709283|0000709280|0000706001||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|11.027.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 18175 Vissersdijk 4201ZH Gorinchem GORCHM bon 142350|   2029568    1423375    1423001    1420999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.027.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 18175 Vissersdijk 4201ZH Gorinchem GORCHM bon 142350||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|11.036.A|..|.|ALN|-----|2 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel 2e Barendrechtseweg Barendrecht ICnum 547937|   1430020
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.036.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|2 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel 2e Barendrechtseweg Barendrecht ICnum 547937||0001430020
FLEX     |1600/2|11.042.A|..|.|ALN|-----|OVD-B GRAAG TEL.CONTACT MELDKAMER BRANDWEER|   1170031
FLEX     |1600/2|11.045.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.045.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|11.051.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Oss Rit: 121063|   1120802
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.051.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Oss Rit: 121063||0001120802
FLEX     |1600/2|11.060.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Prio 1 Frederik Hendriklaan Eerste Stationsstraat ZOETMR Ongeval wegvervoer letsel|   1530875
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.060.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Prio 1 Frederik Hendriklaan Eerste Stationsstraat ZOETMR Ongeval wegvervoer letsel||0001530875
FLEX     |1600/2|11.092.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BAD-01 Wateroverlast (Etage: 10) Johan van der Keukenstraat Amsterdam 132231|   2029568     102998     101591     101511
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.092.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BAD-01 Wateroverlast (Etage: 10) Johan van der Keukenstraat Amsterdam 132231||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|11.102.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 10187 Rit 136663 VWS Kooypunt Schrijnwerkersweg Den Helder|   2029568     220187     126999
FLEX     |1600/2|11.102.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 Reanimatie (afhijsen) Koning Willem III-straat Woudenberg 090152|   2029569     709560     706120     706001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.102.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 10187 Rit 136663 VWS Kooypunt Schrijnwerkersweg Den HelderJ2|0000220187|0000126999||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.102.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 Reanimatie (afhijsen) Koning Willem III-straat Woudenberg 090152|0000709560|0000706120|0000706001||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|11.115.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Dinteloord rit: 149430|   2029568    1220604    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.115.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Dinteloord rit: 149430|0001220604|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|11.122.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 13154 Van der Helstplein 1073 Amsterdam 91329|   2029568     120999     120154
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.122.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 13154 Van der Helstplein 1073 Amsterdam 91329|0000120999|0000120154||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|11.125.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07109 - Duiven Rit 262946|    920109
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.125.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07109 - Duiven Rit 262946||0000920109
FLEX     |1600/2|12.002.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 10192 Rit 136665 VWS de Mossel de Mossel Noord-Scharwoude|   2029568     220192     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.002.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 10192 Rit 136665 VWS de Mossel de Mossel Noord-Scharwoude|0000220192|0000126999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.023.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Middachtenweg SGRAVH : 15114|   2029568    1520999    1520014
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.023.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Middachtenweg SGRAVH : 15114|0001520999|0001520014||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.042.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17134 Wetering 3224HD Hellevoetsluis HELLVS bon 142351|   2029568    1420999    1420034
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.042.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17134 Wetering 3224HD Hellevoetsluis HELLVS bon 142351|0001420999|0001420034||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.051.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Helmond Rit: 121064|   1123123
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.051.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Helmond Rit: 121064||0001123123
FLEX     |1600/2|12.058.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Eindhoven Rit: 121065|   1123112
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.058.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Eindhoven Rit: 121065||0001123112
FLEX     |1600/2|12.064.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Utrecht 103980|    726900
FLEX     |1600/2|12.064.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Utrecht 103980|    726067
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.064.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Utrecht 103980||0000726900
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.064.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Utrecht 103980||0000726067
FLEX     |1600/2|12.065.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (dia: ja) 11129 Rit 136666 Zaanstroom Wormerveer|   2029568     126999     123129
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.065.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (dia: ja) 11129 Rit 136666 Zaanstroom Wormerveer|0000126999|0000123129||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.069.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 Reanimatie Lamstraat Utrecht 094631|   2029568     709563     708442     706001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.069.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 Reanimatie Lamstraat Utrecht 094631|0000709563|0000708442|0000706001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX     |1600/2|12.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Utrecht 103981|    726553
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Utrecht 103981||0000726553
FLEX     |1600/2|12.084.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BLB-01 Wateroverlast Kastanjelaan Hoensbroek 244241|   2029568    1005998    1003660    1003658
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.084.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BLB-01 Wateroverlast Kastanjelaan Hoensbroek 244241|0001005998|0001003660|0001003658||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.089.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17112 Vosbergenpad Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142352|   2029568    1420999    1420012
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.089.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17112 Vosbergenpad Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142352|0001420999|0001420012||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.094.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Ongeval Materieel N244 Li Zuidoostbeemster|    127850
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.094.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Ongeval Materieel N244 Li Zuidoostbeemster||0000127850
FLEX     |1600/2|12.098.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 (MMT) 13991 Lamstraat 3523 Utrecht 91330 MKA Utrecht, regio 09|    120901
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.098.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 (MMT) 13991 Lamstraat 3523 Utrecht 91330 MKA Utrecht, regio 09||0000120901
FLEX     |1600/2|12.122.A|..|.|ALN|-----|graag contact OC apeldoorn gms 872|    830520
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.122.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|graag contact OC apeldoorn gms 872||0000830520
FLEX     |1600/2|13.003.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 Graag telefonisch contact MKB|   1500926
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.003.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 Graag telefonisch contact MKB||0001500926
FLEX     |1600/2|13.010.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Retiefstraat SGRAVH : 15118|   2029568    1520999    1520018
FLEX     |1600/2|13.010.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Loon op Zand rit: 149431|   2029569    1220651    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.010.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Retiefstraat SGRAVH : 151182|0001520999|0001520018||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.010.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Loon op Zand rit: 149431|0001220651|0001220499||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|13.020.A|..|.|ALN|-----|SPOED AMBU|   2029568     402198     302294
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.020.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|SPOED AMBU|0000402198|0000302294||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|13.028.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B1 Ambu 08128 - Nijmegen Rit 262951|   2029568     923128     923100
FLEX     |1600/2|13.028.A|..|.|ALN|-----|SPOED AMBU|   2029569     402198     302266
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.028.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B1 Ambu 08128 - Nijmegen Rit 262951*6||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.028.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|SPOED AMBU||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|13.035.A|..|.|ALN|-----|U bent niet langer actief in de functie Piket_VRR_Algemeen Commandant Crisiscommunicatie.|   1400970
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.035.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|U bent niet langer actief in de functie Piket_VRR_Algemeen Commandant Crisiscommunicatie.||0001400970
FLEX     |1600/2|13.036.A|..|.|ALN|-----|U bent nu actief in de functie Piket_VRR_Algemeen Commandant Crisiscommunicatie.|   1400021
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.036.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|U bent nu actief in de functie Piket_VRR_Algemeen Commandant Crisiscommunicatie.||0001400021
FLEX     |1600/2|13.038.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 12157 Rit 136668 Gagarinstraat Krommenie|   2029568     126999     126157
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.038.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 12157 Rit 136668 Gagarinstraat Krommenie|0000126999|0000126157||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|13.053.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (dia: ja) 10184 Rit 136669 Het Vierkant Heiloo|   2029568     220184     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.053.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (dia: ja) 10184 Rit 136669 Het Vierkant Heiloo|0000220184|0000126999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|13.055.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17128 van Baerlestraat Vlaardingen VLAARD bon 142353|   2029569    1420999    1420028
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.055.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17128 van Baerlestraat Vlaardingen VLAARD bon 142353|0001420999|0001420028||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|13.081.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 12152 Rit 136670 VWS Wormerveer Industrieweg Wormerveer|   2029568     126999     126152
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.081.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 12152 Rit 136670 VWS Wormerveer Industrieweg Wormerveer|0000126999|0000126152||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|13.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.109.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|13.126.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07122 - Angeren Rit 262953|    920122
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.126.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07122 - Angeren Rit 262953||0000920122
FLEX     |1600/2|14.015.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel Sarphatistraat Amsterdam|    130007
FLEX     |1600/2|14.015.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel Sarphatistraat Amsterdam|    130998
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.015.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel Sarphatistraat Amsterdam||0000130007
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.015.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 Ongeval Wegvervoer Letsel Sarphatistraat Amsterdam||0000130998
FLEX     |1600/2|14.016.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Piket gaarne contact OC Rotterdam|   2029568    1430040    1430148    1430125
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.016.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|Piket gaarne contact OC Rotterdam^4|0001430040|0001430148|0001430125||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.016.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06156 DIA Winterswijk Meddo Rit 262954||0000820156
FLEX     |1600/2|14.030.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06129 DIA Doetinchem Rit 262955|    820129
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.030.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06129 DIA Doetinchem Rit 262955||0000820129
FLEX     |1600/2|14.039.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13166 Sarphatistraat 1018 Amsterdam 91331|   2029568     120999     120166
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.039.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13166 Sarphatistraat 1018 Amsterdam 91331|0000120999|0000120166||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|14.053.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Glenn Millerhof SGRAVH : 15130|   2029568    1520999    1520030
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.053.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Glenn Millerhof SGRAVH : 15130|0001520999|0001520030||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|14.059.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (dia: ja) 12159 Rit 136673 KDV Freekids Dorpsstraat Assendelft|   2029568     126999     126159
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.059.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (dia: ja) 12159 Rit 136673 KDV Freekids Dorpsstraat Assendelft||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|14.075.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Svp contact MKA ZHZ - geen spoed.|   1423285
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.075.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Svp contact MKA ZHZ - geen spoed.||0001423285
FLEX     |1600/2|14.118.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BON-03 BR buiten Schiervereniging SDVV Robbenhaarsweg Almelo 053131|   2029568     806240     605922     605921     605237     603690
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.118.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BON-03 BR buiten Schiervereniging SDVV Robbenhaarsweg Almelo 053131|0000806240|0000605922|0000605921|0000605237|0000603690||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|14.124.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BAD-02 BR gerucht (Betreft: oms) Levvel Bascule De Pionier Rijksstraatweg Duivendrecht 134131|   2029568     102998     100291     100211
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.124.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BAD-02 BR gerucht (Betreft: oms) Levvel Bascule De Pionier Rijksstraatweg Duivendrecht 134131||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.002.A|..|.|ALN|-----|graag contact OC apeldoorn 872|   2029568     830999     830052
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.002.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|graag contact OC apeldoorn 872|0000830999|0000830052||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.011.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 18187 Plaszoom 3295GZ 's-Gravendeel SGRAVD bon 142355|   2029568    1423387    1423001    1420999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.011.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 18187 Plaszoom 3295GZ 's-Gravendeel SGRAVD bon 142355||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.017.A|..|.|ALN|-----|GOEDENAVOND, PROEFALARM MELDKAMER OOST-BRABANT|   2029568    1130560    1130557    1130556    1130555    1130597    1130596    1130595    1130552    1130551    1130550    1120402    1170010    1170009    1170007    1170006    1100175    1100171    1100170    1100116    1170097    1170081    1172197    1172147    1172097    1172047    1171997    1171947    1171897    1171847    1171797    1171647    1171697    1171747    1171597    1171547    1171497    1171447    1171397    1171347    1171297    1171247    1171197    1171147    1171097    1171047    1170997    1170947    1170897    1170797    1170747    1170697    1170847    1170597    1170547    1170497    1170447    1170397    1170347    1170297    1170247
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.017.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|GOEDENAVOND, PROEFALARM MELDKAMER OOST-BRABANTk4|0001130560|0001130557|0001130556|0001130555|0001130597|0001130596|0001130595|0001130552|0001130551|0001130550|0001120402|0001170010|0001170009|0001170007|0001170006|0001100175|0001100171|0001100170|0001100116|0001170097|0001170081|0001172197|0001172147|0001172097|0001172047|0001171997|0001171947|0001171897|0001171847|0001171797|0001171647|0001171697|0001171747|0001171597|0001171547|0001171497|0001171447|0001171397|0001171347|0001171297|0001171247|0001171197|0001171147|0001171097|0001171047|0001170997|0001170947|0001170897|0001170797|0001170747|0001170697|0001170847|0001170597|0001170547|0001170497|0001170447|0001170397|0001170347|0001170297|0001170247||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.017.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|00.018.A|..|.|ALN|-----|GOEDENAVOND, PROEFALARM MELDKAMER OOST-BRABANT|   2029569    1122608    1122041    1122021    1122001    1130615    1130610    1130605    1130600    1130592    1130591    1130590    1130587    1130586    1130585    1130582    1130581    1130580    1130577    1130576    1130575    1130572    1130571    1130570    1130567    1130566    1130565    1130562    1130561
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.018.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|GOEDENAVOND, PROEFALARM MELDKAMER OOST-BRABANT|0001122608|0001122041|0001122021|0001122001|0001130615|0001130610|0001130605|0001130600|0001130592|0001130591|0001130590|0001130587|0001130586|0001130585|0001130582|0001130581|0001130580|0001130577|0001130576|0001130575|0001130572|0001130571|0001130570|0001130567|0001130566|0001130565|0001130562|0001130561||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|00.033.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Schijndel Rit: 121066|   1120109
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.033.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Schijndel Rit: 121066||0001120109
FLEX     |1600/2|00.041.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17121 Atjehstraat 3072ZC Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142356|   2029568    1420999    1420021
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.041.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17121 Atjehstraat 3072ZC Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142356|0001420999|0001420021||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.050.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BOB-01 Ass. Pol (afhijsen) Martinushof Borchgrave Sint-Oedenrode 213951|   2029568    1181849    1181848    1181840    1171849    1171821    1161804
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.050.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BOB-01 Ass. Pol (afhijsen) Martinushof Borchgrave Sint-Oedenrode 213951|0001181849|0001181848|0001181840|0001171849|0001171821|0001161804||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.069.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BMD-01 BR bijgebouw (keet/hok/schuurtje) Pereboomweg Almere 254134 254132|   2029568     700240     700140     700027     700001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.069.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BMD-01 BR bijgebouw (keet/hok/schuurtje) Pereboomweg Almere 254134 254132|0000700240|0000700140|0000700027|0000700001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.076.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13102 Ruiseveenpad 1106 Amsterdam 91333|   2029568     120999     120102
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.076.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13102 Ruiseveenpad 1106 Amsterdam 91333||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.078.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Zuiddorpe rit: 149434 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029569    1320133    1320001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.078.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Zuiddorpe rit: 149434 (Directe inzet: ja)||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|00.081.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Maarssen 103985|    726146
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.081.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Maarssen 103985||0000726146
FLEX     |1600/2|00.083.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Voetbal vereniging OJC Laaghemaal 5247NP Rosmalen|   1130999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.083.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Voetbal vereniging OJC Laaghemaal 5247NP Rosmalen||0001130999
FLEX     |1600/2|00.098.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Stadhoudersplantsoen SGRAVH : 15125|   2029568    1520999    1520025
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.098.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Stadhoudersplantsoen SGRAVH : 15125|0001520999|0001520025||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|00.100.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 5 BLB-03 Geplande actie Abraham Kuyperstraat Sittard|   1005998
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.100.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 5 BLB-03 Geplande actie Abraham Kuyperstraat Sittard||0001005998
FLEX     |1600/2|00.103.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Rosmalen Rit: 121067|   1120103
FLEX     |1600/2|00.103.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Laaghemaal Rosmalen|   1130999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.103.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Rosmalen Rit: 121067||0001120103
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.103.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Ongeval wegvervoer letsel Laaghemaal Rosmalen||0001130999
FLEX     |1600/2|00.104.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17102 Van der Hoevenplein 3072MK Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142357|   2029568    1420999    1420002
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|00.104.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17102 Van der Hoevenplein 3072MK Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142357|0001420999|0001420002||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|01.009.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07110 DIA Duiven Rit 262959|    920110
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.009.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07110 DIA Duiven Rit 262959||0000920110
FLEX     |1600/2|01.011.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B1 HZ (D0.6) SEH Charlotte Jacobslaan SGRAVH : 15116|   2029568    1520999    1520016
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.011.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B1 HZ (D0.6) SEH Charlotte Jacobslaan SGRAVH : 15116||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|01.020.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17113 Notenhof 2991TM Barendrecht BARDRT bon 142358|   2029568    1420999    1420013
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.020.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17113 Notenhof 2991TM Barendrecht BARDRT bon 142358|0001420999|0001420013||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|01.025.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06184 DIA 't Harde Rit 262962|    820184
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.025.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06184 DIA 't Harde Rit 262962||0000820184
FLEX     |1600/2|01.031.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Voorde POELDK : 15127|   2029568    1520999    1520027
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.031.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Voorde POELDK : 15127||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|01.039.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Brug Krommenie - N203 vrijhouden voor hulpdiensten|    104751
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.039.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Brug Krommenie - N203 vrijhouden voor hulpdiensten||0000104751
FLEX     |1600/2|01.045.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.045.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|01.056.A|..|.|ALN|-----|2 Cybercrime Talud Gorinchem ICnum 547978|   1420515
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.056.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|2 Cybercrime Talud Gorinchem ICnum 547978||0001420515
FLEX     |1600/2|01.063.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BDH-05 Ongeval (buiten) Rietveld Delft 155530|   2029568    1503902    1500196    1500144
FLEX     |1600/2|01.063.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Oostvaartpad HAZDRP : 16164|   2029569    1523164    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.063.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BDH-05 Ongeval (buiten) Rietveld Delft 155530"0||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.063.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Oostvaartpad HAZDRP : 16164||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|01.073.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Stadhoudersplantsoen SGRAVH : 15343|   2029568    1520999    1520343
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.073.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Stadhoudersplantsoen SGRAVH : 15343|0001520999|0001520343||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|01.074.A|..|.|ALN|-----|einde VWS|    820127
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.074.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|einde VWS||0000820127
FLEX     |1600/2|01.076.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Lelystad 57330|    723151
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.076.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Lelystad 57330||0000723151
FLEX     |1600/2|01.103.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06155 DIA 's-Heerenberg Rit 262966|    820155
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.103.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06155 DIA 's-Heerenberg Rit 262966||0000820155
FLEX     |1600/2|01.115.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Eindhoven Rit: 121068|   1123107
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.115.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Eindhoven Rit: 121068||0001123107
FLEX     |1600/2|01.119.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 10192 Rit 136678 VWS Schagen Lagedijkerweg Schagen|   2029568     220192     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.119.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 10192 Rit 136678 VWS Schagen Lagedijkerweg Schagen|0000220192|0000126999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|01.121.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07101 - Bemmel Rit 262967|    920101
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|01.121.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07101 - Bemmel Rit 262967||0000920101
FLEX     |1600/2|02.005.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Waterdekmos REEUWK Directe inzet 16154|   2029568    1523154    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.005.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Waterdekmos REEUWK Directe inzet 16154|0001523154|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|02.011.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Roosendaal rit: 149435 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220841    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.011.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Roosendaal rit: 149435 (Directe inzet: ja)||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|02.023.A|..|.|ALN|-----|svp bellen arr zorg Zwolle, GMS 969|    830532
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.023.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|svp bellen arr zorg Zwolle, GMS 969||0000830532
FLEX     |1600/2|02.026.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Utrecht (Directe inzet Ambu: DIA) 103988|    726138
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.026.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Utrecht (Directe inzet Ambu: DIA) 103988||0000726138
FLEX     |1600/2|02.027.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Bergen op Zoom rit: 149436|   2029568    1220942    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.027.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Bergen op Zoom rit: 149436||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|02.047.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Stationsstraat Swalmen 86385|   1020175
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.047.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Stationsstraat Swalmen 86385||0001020175
FLEX     |1600/2|02.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|02.078.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 De Vliegerstraat SGRAVH : 15120|   2029568    1520999    1520020
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.078.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 De Vliegerstraat SGRAVH : 15120||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|02.082.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 07121 DIA Wekerom Rit 262970|    920121
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.082.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 07121 DIA Wekerom Rit 262970||0000920121
FLEX     |1600/2|02.089.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17118 Claes de Vrieselaan Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142359|   2029568    1420999    1420018
FLEX     |1600/2|02.089.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 13344 Bok de Korverweg Amsterdam 91336|   2029569     120999     120344
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.089.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17118 Claes de Vrieselaan Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 1423595|0001420999|0001420018||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.089.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 13344 Bok de Korverweg Amsterdam 91336|0000120999|0000120344||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|02.098.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Herbergier Mijnbouwstraat DELFT : 15108|   2029568    1520999    1520008
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.098.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Herbergier Mijnbouwstraat DELFT : 151087|0001520999|0001520008||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.098.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|3 Dier in problemen Kerkeplaat Dordrecht ICnum 547982||0001430020
FLEX     |1600/2|02.113.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Aanrijding letsel Sittarderweg Munstergeleen|   1033215
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.113.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Aanrijding letsel Sittarderweg Munstergeleen||0001033215
FLEX     |1600/2|02.114.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 Dier in problemen McDonald's Kerkeplaat Dordrecht|   2029568    1403589    1403003    1400999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.114.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 Dier in problemen McDonald's Kerkeplaat Dordrecht|0001403589|0001403003|0001400999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|02.119.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Aanrijding letsel Sittarderweg Munstergeleen|   1033215
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|02.119.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Aanrijding letsel Sittarderweg Munstergeleen||0001033215
FLEX     |1600/2|03.038.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17116 Stationsplein 3013AJ Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142360|   2029568    1420999    1420016
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.038.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17116 Stationsplein 3013AJ Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142360|0001420999|0001420016||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|03.052.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BRT-01 Dier in problemen McDonald's Kerkeplaat Dordrecht 186532|   2029568    1403590    1403003
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.052.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BRT-01 Dier in problemen McDonald's Kerkeplaat Dordrecht 186532|0001403590|0001403003||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|03.061.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Christiaan de Wetstraat SGRAVH : 15226|   2029568    1520998    1520226
FLEX     |1600/2|03.061.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BRT-02 Luid/optisch alarm Teldersweg Rotterdam 170531|   2029569    1400999    1400221
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.061.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Christiaan de Wetstraat SGRAVH : 15226f0||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.061.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BRT-02 Luid/optisch alarm Teldersweg Rotterdam 170531||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|03.064.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Lelystad 57331|    723152
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.064.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Lelystad 57331||0000723152
FLEX     |1600/2|03.075.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 07120 VWS Ede Rit 262973|    920120
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.075.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 07120 VWS Ede Rit 262973||0000920120
FLEX     |1600/2|03.100.A|..|.|ALN|-----|svp contact mka Arnhem|    830500
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.100.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|svp contact mka Arnhem||0000830500
FLEX     |1600/2|03.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.109.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|03.110.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Oudheusden Rit: 121069|   1120108
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.110.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Oudheusden Rit: 121069||0001120108
FLEX     |1600/2|03.124.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07120 - Barneveld Rit 262974|    920120
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|03.124.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07120 - Barneveld Rit 262974||0000920120
FLEX     |1600/2|04.004.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Proefalarm Avond Brandweer Veiligheidsregio Rotterdam Rijnmond.|   1400286
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.004.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Proefalarm Avond Brandweer Veiligheidsregio Rotterdam Rijnmond.||0001400286
FLEX     |1600/2|04.012.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Rosmalen Rit: 121070|   1120341
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.012.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Rosmalen Rit: 121070||0001120341
FLEX     |1600/2|04.014.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17102 Gaffelstraat 3014RD Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142362|   2029568    1420999    1420002
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.014.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17102 Gaffelstraat 3014RD Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142362||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|04.015.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06126 VWS Heerde Rit 262976|    820126
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.015.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06126 VWS Heerde Rit 262976||0000820126
FLEX     |1600/2|04.022.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Huizen 57332|    723084
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.022.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Huizen 57332||0000723084
FLEX     |1600/2|04.053.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13109 Paleisstraat 1012 Amsterdam 91337|   2029568     120999     120109
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.053.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13109 Paleisstraat 1012 Amsterdam 91337|0000120999|0000120109||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|04.063.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BZB-02 BR buiten de Eng Veen 205132|   2029568    1201999    1201983    1201481    1200128
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.063.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BZB-02 BR buiten de Eng Veen 205132||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|04.069.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Goirle rit: 149437|   2029568    1220642    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.069.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Goirle rit: 149437|0001220642|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|04.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 08131 - Tiel Rit 262977|    923131
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 08131 - Tiel Rit 262977||0000923131
FLEX     |1600/2|04.078.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Kruisbessenstraat SGRAVH : 15113|   2029568    1520999    1520013
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.078.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Kruisbessenstraat SGRAVH : 15113||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|04.081.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 07105 VWS Ede Rit 262847|    920105
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.081.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 07105 VWS Ede Rit 262847||0000920105
FLEX     |1600/2|04.090.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17116 Varenhof 3069KL Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142363|   2029568    1420999    1420016
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.090.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17116 Varenhof 3069KL Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 1423632|0001420999|0001420016||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.090.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Uden Rit: 121071||0001120121
FLEX     |1600/2|04.104.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BNH-01 BR industrie Badhoevelaan Sloterweg Badhoevedorp 135151 121293 124162 121532 139232|   2029568     127035     108999     108781     108764     108711     106520     106320     102998     100891     100811     100191     100112
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.104.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BNH-01 BR industrie Badhoevelaan Sloterweg Badhoevedorp 135151 121293 124162 121532 139232|0000127035|0000108999|0000108781|0000108764|0000108711|0000106520|0000106320|0000102998|0000100891|0000100811|0000100191|0000100112||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|04.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Huisartsenpost Duin- en Bollen Rijnsburgerweg VOORHT : 16182|   2029568    1523182    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.109.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Huisartsenpost Duin- en Bollen Rijnsburgerweg VOORHT : 16182||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|04.114.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 DP2 Leidschendam - Voorburg Via Donizetti VOORB VWS 15144|   2029568    1520999    1520044
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|04.114.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 DP2 Leidschendam - Voorburg Via Donizetti VOORB VWS 15144|0001520999|0001520044||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|05.013.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.013.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|05.037.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Breda rit: 149438|   2029568    1220845    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.037.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Breda rit: 149438|0001220845|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|05.044.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Ambu 08111 - Nijmegen Rit 262978|   2029568     923111     923100
FLEX     |1600/2|05.044.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 10111 Rit 136685 VWS Kooypunt Schrijnwerkersweg Den Helder|   2029569     220111     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.044.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Ambu 08111 - Nijmegen Rit 262978)7||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.044.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 10111 Rit 136685 VWS Kooypunt Schrijnwerkersweg Den Helder||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|05.046.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Bosrode LEIDEN Directe inzgt|   2029570    1523184    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.046.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Bosrode LEIDEN Directe inzgt16184||0002029570
FLEX     |1600/2|05.057.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Breda rit: 149439 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220624    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.057.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Breda rit: 149439 (Directe inzet: ja)|0001220624|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX: 2023-10-12 21:04:35 1600/2/A 05.072 [001533501] TON 2
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.072.A|SS|2|TON|2  |0001533501
FLEX     |1600/2|05.092.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07115 DIA Voorthuizen Rit 262982|    920115
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.092.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07115 DIA Voorthuizen Rit 262982||0000920115
FLEX     |1600/2|05.102.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Lelystad 57333|    723160
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.102.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Lelystad 57333||0000723160
FLEX     |1600/2|05.103.A|..|.|ALN|-----|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 548007|   1430020
FLEX     |1600/2|05.103.A|..|.|ALN|-----|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 548007|   1430270
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.103.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 548007||0001430020
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.103.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 548007||0001430270
FLEX     |1600/2|05.115.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17106 A16 Li Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142364|   2029568    1420999    1420006
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.115.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17106 A16 Li Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142364|0001420999|0001420006||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|05.124.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BRT-02 Luid/optisch alarm Teldersweg Rotterdam 170551|   2029568    1400999    1400221
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.124.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BRT-02 Luid/optisch alarm Teldersweg Rotterdam 170551||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|05.126.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17145 Varenhof 3069KL Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142365|   2029569    1420999    1420045
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|05.126.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17145 Varenhof 3069KL Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142365||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|06.002.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Erasmusweg SGRAVH : (rapid) 15107|   2029568    1520999    1520007
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.002.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Erasmusweg SGRAVH : (rapid) 15107|0001520999|0001520007||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|06.010.A|..|.|ALN|-----|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 547999|   1430020
FLEX     |1600/2|06.010.A|..|.|ALN|-----|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 547999|   1430270
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.010.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 547999||0001430020
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.010.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|1 Ongeval wegvervoer letsel A16 Li Rotterdam ICnum 547999||0001430270
FLEX     |1600/2|06.014.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Moerstraten rit: 149440 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220603    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.014.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Moerstraten rit: 149440 (Directe inzet: ja)||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|06.023.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 AMBU 18272 Albert Schweitzerplaats 3318AT Dordrecht DORDRT bon 142366|   2029568    1423342    1423001    1420999
FLEX     |1600/2|06.023.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 AMBU 17167 Van Moorselstraat 3067SZ Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142367|   2029569    1420999    1420067
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.023.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 AMBU 18272 Albert Schweitzerplaats 3318AT Dordrecht DORDRT bon 142366b2|0001423342|0001423001|0001420999||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.023.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 AMBU 17167 Van Moorselstraat 3067SZ Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142367|0001420999|0001420067||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|06.025.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BLB-04 Dier in problemen Wijsdomsruwe Maastricht 243231|   2029570    1005998    1004424    1004422
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.025.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BLB-04 Dier in problemen Wijsdomsruwe Maastricht 243231|0001005998|0001004424|0001004422||0002029570
FLEX     |1600/2|06.033.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambulancepost Noordwijk van Berckelweg NDWKZH VWS 16179|   2029568    1523179    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.033.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambulancepost Noordwijk van Berckelweg NDWKZH VWS 16179|0001523179|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|06.039.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07102 DIA Rheden Rit 262983|    920102
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.039.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07102 DIA Rheden Rit 262983||0000920102
FLEX     |1600/2|06.043.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17342 A16 Li 16,1 Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142368|   2029568    1420999    1420156
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.043.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17342 A16 Li 16,1 Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142368||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|06.045.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.045.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|06.067.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Prio 4 Afrit A4 Li - Rijswijk 11 51,6 c RIJSZH Wegverkeer verkeersstremming|   1505791
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.067.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Prio 4 Afrit A4 Li - Rijswijk 11 51,6 c RIJSZH Wegverkeer verkeersstremming||0001505791
FLEX     |1600/2|06.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Bunschoten-Spakenbur 103992|    726126
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Bunschoten-Spakenbur 103992||0000726126
FLEX     |1600/2|06.093.A|..|.|ALN|-----|4 Afgevallen lading A16 Re 21,1 Rotterdam ICnum 548010|   1430020
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.093.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|4 Afgevallen lading A16 Re 21,1 Rotterdam ICnum 548010||0001430020
FLEX     |1600/2|06.108.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Almere 57335|    723143
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|06.108.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Almere 57335||0000723143
FLEX     |1600/2|07.027.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BOB-02 BR gerucht WZC Heide Grote Bos Geldrop 222541|   2029568    1107298    1107262    1104799
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.027.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BOB-02 BR gerucht WZC Heide Grote Bos Geldrop 222541||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.042.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 13115 Bok de Korverweg Amsterdam 91339|   2029568     120999     120115
FLEX     |1600/2|07.042.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BDH-02 OMS brandmelding Hotel Wassenaar Katwijkseweg Wassenaar 155030|   2029569    1503902    1500435    1500196    1500162
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.042.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 13115 Bok de Korverweg Amsterdam 9133917|0000120999|0000120115||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.042.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BDH-02 OMS brandmelding Hotel Wassenaar Katwijkseweg Wassenaar 155030|0001503902|0001500435|0001500196|0001500162||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|07.049.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17118 Marktveldstraat 3031BS Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142370|   2029568    1420999    1420018
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.049.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17118 Marktveldstraat 3031BS Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142370|0001420999|0001420018||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.050.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BRT-01 Dier in problemen McDonald's Kerkeplaat Dordrecht 189488|   2029569    1404824    1403003    1400999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.050.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BRT-01 Dier in problemen McDonald's Kerkeplaat Dordrecht 189488|0001404824|0001403003|0001400999||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|07.056.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 18353 P.A. de Kok-plein Dordrecht DORDRT bon 142371|   2029568    1423340    1423001    1420999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.056.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 18353 P.A. de Kok-plein Dordrecht DORDRT bon 142371|0001423340|0001423001|0001420999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.058.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Schaepmanstraat KATWZH : 16179|   2029569    1523179    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.058.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Schaepmanstraat KATWZH : 16179|0001523179|0001523001||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|07.066.A|..|.|ALN|-----|3 Dier in problemen Oosterparkweg Ridderkerk ICnum 548017|   1430020
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.066.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|3 Dier in problemen Oosterparkweg Ridderkerk ICnum 548017||0001430020
FLEX     |1600/2|07.070.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Hoeven rit: 149441 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220607    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.070.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Hoeven rit: 149441 (Directe inzet: ja)|0001220607|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.072.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 5 (Proefalarm) (P2000) Geplande actie GMK Amsterdam Elandsgracht Amsterdam|   2029569     130999     130998     102999     102998     102799     102014
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.072.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 5 (Proefalarm) (P2000) Geplande actie GMK Amsterdam Elandsgracht Amsterdam|0000130999|0000130998|0000102999|0000102998|0000102799|0000102014||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|07.073.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambulancepost Noordwijk van Berckelweg NDWKZH VWS 16176|   2029570    1523176    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.073.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambulancepost Noordwijk van Berckelweg NDWKZH VWS 16176|0001523176|0001523001||0002029570
FLEX     |1600/2|07.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|07.099.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Urk 57336|    723147
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.099.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Urk 57336||0000723147
FLEX     |1600/2|07.103.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 10184 Rit 136688 De Bonkelaar Uitgeest|   2029568     220184     126999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.103.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 10184 Rit 136688 De Bonkelaar Uitgeest|0000220184|0000126999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Middachtenweg SGRAVH : 15627|   2029568    1520998    1520627
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.109.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Middachtenweg SGRAVH : 15627||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|07.115.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BRT-03 Ongeval wegvervoer A16 Li 16,6 Rotterdam 179291 179081|   2029568    1403003    1400999    1400401    1400350
FLEX     |1600/2|07.115.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Etten-Leur rit: 149442 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029569    1220607    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.115.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BRT-03 Ongeval wegvervoer A16 Li 16,6 Rotterdam 179291 1790817|0001403003|0001400999|0001400401|0001400350||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.115.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Etten-Leur rit: 149442 (Directe inzet: ja)|0001220607|0001220499||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|07.117.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 06184 DIA 't Harde Rit 262987|    820184
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.117.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 06184 DIA 't Harde Rit 262987||0000820184
FLEX     |1600/2|07.125.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Goedenavond, graag contact OPCO-OC|    130980
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|07.125.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Goedenavond, graag contact OPCO-OC||0000130980
FLEX     |1600/2|08.007.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Hoeven rit: 149443 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220602    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.007.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Hoeven rit: 149443 (Directe inzet: ja)|0001220602|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.050.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Eindhoven Rit: 121072|   1123111
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.050.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Eindhoven Rit: 121072||0001123111
FLEX     |1600/2|08.059.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 DIA Vroomshoop 262990|    623060
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.059.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 DIA Vroomshoop 262990||0000623060
FLEX     |1600/2|08.069.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Amersfoort 103995|    726586
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.069.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Amersfoort 103995||0000726586
FLEX     |1600/2|08.071.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17152 Marktveldstraat Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142373|   2029568    1420999    1420052
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.071.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17152 Marktveldstraat Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142373|0001420999|0001420052||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.082.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Vaartdreef ZOETMR : 15146|   2029568    1520999    1520046
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.082.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Vaartdreef ZOETMR : 15146|0001520999|0001520046||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.091.A|..|.|ALN|-----|SPOED AMBU|    421127
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.091.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|SPOED AMBU||0000421127
FLEX     |1600/2|08.097.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Prio 1 Laan van Nieuw-Oost-Indie Schenkkade SGRAVH Ongeval wegvervoer letsel|   1530875
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.097.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Prio 1 Laan van Nieuw-Oost-Indie Schenkkade SGRAVH Ongeval wegvervoer letsel||0001530875
FLEX     |1600/2|08.099.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 18192 Bosbesplein 3355SG Papendrecht PAPDRT bon 142376|   2029568    1423392    1423001    1420999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.099.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 18192 Bosbesplein 3355SG Papendrecht PAPDRT bon 142376|0001423392|0001423001|0001420999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.107.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 AMBU 17133 Wytemaweg 3015CN Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142375|   2029568    1420999    1420033
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.107.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 AMBU 17133 Wytemaweg 3015CN Rotterdam ROTTDM bon 142375||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|08.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.109.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|08.120.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Brug Krommenie - N203 vrijhouden voor hulpdiensten|    104751
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.120.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Brug Krommenie - N203 vrijhouden voor hulpdiensten||0000104751
FLEX     |1600/2|08.121.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ammunitiehaven SGRAVH : 15144|   2029568    1520999    1520044
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|08.121.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ammunitiehaven SGRAVH : 15144|0001520999|0001520044||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.001.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Bolderikkamp LEIDDP : 16173|   2029568    1523173    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.001.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Bolderikkamp LEIDDP : 16173|0001523173|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.005.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 18197 Wilhelminastraat 3332BT Zwijndrecht ZWIJND bon 142377|   2029568    1423397    1423001    1420999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.005.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 18197 Wilhelminastraat 3332BT Zwijndrecht ZWIJND bon 142377|0001423397|0001423001|0001420999||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.015.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BDH-01 BR wegvervoer (buiten) (Auto) Laan van Nieuw-Oost-Indie Schenkkade 's-Gravenhage 159630 159661|   2029568    1503902    1500198    1500196    1500141
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.015.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BDH-01 BR wegvervoer (buiten) (Auto) Laan van Nieuw-Oost-Indie Schenkkade 's-Gravenhage 159630 159661||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.020.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07105 - Ede Rit 262995|    920105
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.020.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07105 - Ede Rit 262995||0000920105
FLEX     |1600/2|09.032.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 DIA Vroomshoop|    623809
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.032.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 DIA Vroomshoop||0000623809
FLEX     |1600/2|09.040.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Hilversum 57337|    723191
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.040.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Hilversum 57337||0000723191
FLEX     |1600/2|09.041.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 DP2 Leidschendam - Voorburg Via Donizetti VOORB VWS 15102|   2029568    1520999    1520002
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.041.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 DP2 Leidschendam - Voorburg Via Donizetti VOORB VWS 15102|0001520999|0001520002||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.049.A|..|.|ALN|-----|graag MKA utrecht bellen|   2029568     726900     726016
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.049.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|graag MKA utrecht bellen|0000726900|0000726016||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.078.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BAD-01 Liftopsluiting Overschiestraat Amsterdam 132631|   2029568     102998     100991     100911
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.078.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BAD-01 Liftopsluiting Overschiestraat Amsterdam 132631||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.110.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (dia: ja) 12157 Rit 136692 Ventjagersplein Wormer|   2029568     126999     126157
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.110.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (dia: ja) 12157 Rit 136692 Ventjagersplein Wormer||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.120.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Breda rit: 149446|   2029568    1220621    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.120.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Breda rit: 149446|0001220621|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|09.127.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BRT-04 Ass. Ambu Naaldbomenpad Mantelpad Rotterdam 171692|   2029568    1400999    1400503
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|09.127.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BRT-04 Ass. Ambu Naaldbomenpad Mantelpad Rotterdam 171692||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.005.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Pater Jornaweg WADDXV Directe inzet 16150|   2029568    1523150    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.005.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Pater Jornaweg WADDXV Directe inzet 16150|0001523150|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.013.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.013.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|10.028.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BDH-03 OMS brandmelding Leger des Heils Westeinde 's-Gravenhage 157830|   2029568    1503902    1500196    1500142
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.028.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BDH-03 OMS brandmelding Leger des Heils Westeinde 's-Gravenhage 157830||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.051.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Van Leeuwenpark LEIDDP Directe inzet 16183|   2029568    1523183    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.051.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Van Leeuwenpark LEIDDP Directe inzet 16183|0001523183|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.060.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 08126 VWS Nijmegen Rit 263000|   2029568     923126     923100
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.060.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 08126 VWS Nijmegen Rit 263000||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.067.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambulancepost Noordwijk van Berckelweg NDWKZH VWS 16181|   2029568    1523181    1523001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.067.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambulancepost Noordwijk van Berckelweg NDWKZH VWS 16181|0001523181|0001523001||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.075.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Rit: 121074|   1120132
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.075.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Rit: 121074||0001120132
FLEX     |1600/2|10.076.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BRT-04 Ass. Ambu (gezagvoerder drone) Naaldbomenpad Mantelpad Rotterdam 171682|   2029568    1400999    1400599    1400502
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.076.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BRT-04 Ass. Ambu (gezagvoerder drone) Naaldbomenpad Mantelpad Rotterdam 171682||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 06181 - Harderwijk Rit 263002|    820181
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 06181 - Harderwijk Rit 263002||0000820181
FLEX     |1600/2|10.082.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Hilversum 57338|    723190
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.082.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Hilversum 57338||0000723190
FLEX     |1600/2|10.083.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 07341 - Gendt Rit 263001|   2029568     920341     920150
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.083.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 07341 - Gendt Rit 263001|0000920341|0000920150||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13176 Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 1081 Amsterdam 91341|   2029568     120999     120176
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.109.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13176 Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 1081 Amsterdam 91341||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.113.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17110 Groene Kruisweg Oost Heenvliet HEENVL bon 142378|   2029568    1420999    1420010
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.113.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17110 Groene Kruisweg Oost Heenvliet HEENVL bon 142378|0001420999|0001420010||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|10.114.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (dia: ja) 12144 Rit 136693 Willem Buyslaan Haarlem|   2029569     126999     126144
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.114.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (dia: ja) 12144 Rit 136693 Willem Buyslaan Haarlem|0000126999|0000126144||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|10.127.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13106 Robert Kochplantsoen 1097 Amsterdam 91342|   2029568     120999     120106
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|10.127.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13106 Robert Kochplantsoen 1097 Amsterdam 91342||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|11.002.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 3 Contact MKB (OVD-B) MKB Rotterdam Wilhelminakade Rotterdam 179193|   2029569    1400999    1400303
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.002.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 3 Contact MKB (OVD-B) MKB Rotterdam Wilhelminakade Rotterdam 179193|0001400999|0001400303||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|11.009.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 St. Willebrord rit: 149447 (Directe inzet: ja)|   2029568    1220622    1220499
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.009.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 St. Willebrord rit: 149447 (Directe inzet: ja)|0001220622|0001220499||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|11.025.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 08993 DIA Julianastraat Vroomshoop Rit 263005|    923993
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.025.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 08993 DIA Julianastraat Vroomshoop Rit 263005||0000923993
FLEX     |1600/2|11.030.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Rosmalen Rit: 121075|   1120103
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.030.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Rosmalen Rit: 121075||0001120103
FLEX     |1600/2|11.045.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Aanrijding letsel Korte Holk Nijkerk 635054|    930010
FLEX     |1600/2|11.045.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Aanrijding letsel Korte Holk Nijkerk 635054|    830999
FLEX     |1600/2|11.045.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.045.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Aanrijding letsel Korte Holk Nijkerk 635054||0000930010
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.045.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Aanrijding letsel Korte Holk Nijkerk 635054||0000830999
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.045.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|11.056.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 11136 Rit 136695 Wendelmoet Claesdochterlaan Monnickendam|   2029568     126999     123136
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.056.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 11136 Rit 136695 Wendelmoet Claesdochterlaan MonnickendamT5|0000126999|0000123136||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.056.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|einde VWS||0000820158
FLEX     |1600/2|11.067.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 's-Hertogenbosch Rit: 121076|   1120106
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.067.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 's-Hertogenbosch Rit: 121076||0001120106
FLEX     |1600/2|11.068.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 07120 HV weg letsel Nijkerk Rit 263007|    920120
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.068.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 07120 HV weg letsel Nijkerk Rit 263007||0000920120
FLEX     |1600/2|11.104.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 07122 - Arnhem Rit 263008|    920122
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|11.104.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 07122 - Arnhem Rit 263008||0000920122
FLEX     |1600/2|12.001.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17131 Fien de la Marstraat 3207VG Spijkenisse SPIJKN bon 142379|   2029568    1420999    1420031
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.001.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17131 Fien de la Marstraat 3207VG Spijkenisse SPIJKN bon 142379|0001420999|0001420031||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.017.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 11137 Rit 136697 Wendelmoet Claesdochterlaan Monnickendam|   2029568     126999     123137
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.017.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 11137 Rit 136697 Wendelmoet Claesdochterlaan Monnickendam|0000126999|0000123137||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.035.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Mr. Dr. van den Helmlaan PIJNAK : (rapid) 15343|   2029568    1520999    1520343
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.035.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Mr. Dr. van den Helmlaan PIJNAK : (rapid) 15343|0001520999|0001520343||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.053.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 AMBU 17110 Fien de la Marstraat 3207VG Spijkenisse SPIJKN bon 142380|   2029568    1420999    1420010
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.053.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 AMBU 17110 Fien de la Marstraat 3207VG Spijkenisse SPIJKN bon 142380|0001420999|0001420010||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.060.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 AMBU 17131 Louis Zimmermannplein 3122GT Schiedam SCHIDM bon 142381|   2029568    1420999    1420031
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.060.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 AMBU 17131 Louis Zimmermannplein 3122GT Schiedam SCHIDM bon 142381||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.069.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Blaricum 57339|    723086
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.069.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Blaricum 57339||0000723086
FLEX     |1600/2|12.077.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.077.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|12.078.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 2 BR afval Essenkamp De Bilt 090831|   2029568     709561     706583     706001
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.078.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 2 BR afval Essenkamp De Bilt 090831||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.082.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Veldhoven Rit: 121078|   1123114
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.082.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Veldhoven Rit: 121078||0001123114
FLEX     |1600/2|12.103.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Woonzorgcentrum Steenvoorde Generaal Spoorlaan RIJSZH : 15242|   2029568    1520998    1520242
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.103.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Woonzorgcentrum Steenvoorde Generaal Spoorlaan RIJSZH : 15242|0001520998|0001520242||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|12.104.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Nieuwegein 103997|    726105
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.104.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Nieuwegein 103997||0000726105
FLEX     |1600/2|12.112.A|..|.|ALN|-----|Graag contact met de MKA DEN BOSCH|   1120410
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.112.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Graag contact met de MKA DEN BOSCH||0001120410
FLEX     |1600/2|12.119.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 HZ (29/2e) IC Toneellaan ZOETMR : 15143|   2029568    1520999    1520043
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.119.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 HZ (29/2e) IC Toneellaan ZOETMR : 151436|0001520999|0001520043||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.119.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|Ongeval Materieel van Heuven Goedhartlaan Hoofddorp||0000127850
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|12.119.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Hilversum 57340||0000723191
FLEX     |1600/2|13.012.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 07109 VWS Arnhem Rit 263013|    920109
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.012.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 07109 VWS Arnhem Rit 263013||0000920109
FLEX     |1600/2|13.031.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Ambu 06128 DIA Apeldoorn Rit 263014|    820128
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.031.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Ambu 06128 DIA Apeldoorn Rit 263014||0000820128
FLEX     |1600/2|13.038.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 13991 Buizerd 1261 Blaricum 91343 / regio 14|    120901
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.038.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 13991 Buizerd 1261 Blaricum 91343 / regio 14||0000120901
FLEX     |1600/2|13.043.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Blaricum 57342|    723191
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.043.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Blaricum 57342||0000723191
FLEX     |1600/2|13.085.A|..|.|ALN|-----|P 1 BLB-01 BR wegvervoer (Auto) Maasbrachterweg Montfort 235231|   2029568    1005998    1002318    1002307    1002301    1002300
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.085.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|P 1 BLB-01 BR wegvervoer (Auto) Maasbrachterweg Montfort 235231|0001005998|0001002318|0001002307|0001002301|0001002300||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|13.095.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Ambu 08116 - Nijmegen Rit 263015|   2029568     923116     923100
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.095.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Ambu 08116 - Nijmegen Rit 263015||0002029568
FLEX     |1600/2|13.100.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Veenendaal 103998|    726143
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.100.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Veenendaal 103998||0000726143
FLEX     |1600/2|13.101.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17143 Venkelstraat 3231XT Brielle BRIELL bon 142382|   2029568    1420999    1420043
FLEX     |1600/2|13.101.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 12167 Rit 136698 Graan voor Visch Hoofddorp|   2029569     126999     126167
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.101.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17143 Venkelstraat 3231XT Brielle BRIELL bon 142382S3|0001420999|0001420043||0002029568
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.101.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 12167 Rit 136698 Graan voor Visch Hoofddorp|0000126999|0000126167||0002029569
FLEX     |1600/2|13.108.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Blaricum 57339|    723002
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.108.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Blaricum 57339||0000723002
FLEX     |1600/2|13.109.A|..|.|ALN|-----|TESTOPROEP MOB|   1180000
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.109.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|TESTOPROEP MOB||0001180000
FLEX     |1600/2|13.122.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Harderwijk 57343|    723150
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|13.122.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Harderwijk 57343||0000723150
FLEX     |1600/2|14.001.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A2 Doorn 104000|    726116
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.001.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|A2 Doorn 104000||0000726116
FLEX     |1600/2|14.016.A|..|.|ALN|-----|B2 Ambu 07203 - Arnhem Rit 263017|    920203
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.016.A|SS|5|ALN|3.0.K|B2 Ambu 07203 - Arnhem Rit 263017||0000920203
FLEX     |1600/2|14.031.A|..|.|ALN|-----|A1 Ambu 08126 - Nijmegen Rit 263019|   2029568     923126     923100
FLEX_NEXT|1600/2|14.031.A|SG|5|ALN|3.0.K|A1 Ambu 08126 - Nijmegen Rit 263019||0002029568