
Update and Get Product is not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am using your TradeGeecko API, client , it has issue in GetProduct by Id , Update Item and Delete Item. Issue is due to URL Address.
API url format should be /Id
ObjecType may be Product, Order and Users etc

Hi shahshyam,

Happy to review and accept a pull request to fix issues found. I had a quick look, it doesn't look like the API spec has moved.


This is curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
so instead of protected override string ResourceItemUri { get { return "/products/{id}"; } } you need to make protected override string ResourceItemUri { get { return "/products/{0}"; } }
formatt it to id value such as product/45

Send a pull request, I don't have time to maintain this library