
Ultimate base class for WPF IValueConverter interface along with some useful implementations.

Primary LanguageC#


Ultimate base class for WPF IValueConverter interface along with some useful implementations.


Simple way:

using AgentFire.Wpf.ValueConverters;
using System.Windows;

class BooleanToVisibilityConverter : ValueConverterBase<bool, Visibility>
    protected override Visibility Convert(bool source)
        return source ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collpased;

Advanced way:

using AgentFire.Wpf.ValueConverters;

class Foo
    public int Bar { get; set; }

// Create classes like this if you need a simple one-way or two-way conversion.
class FooToIntConverter : ValueConverterBase<Foo, int>
    // Abstract method - you have to override it.
    protected override int Convert(Foo source)
        return source.Bar;

    // Virtual method - overridance is not required.
    // The base implementation will throw a NotImplementedException, which means you should not leave it non-overridden when the binding might need a backwards conversion.
    protected override Foo ConvertBack(int source)
        return new Foo() { Bar = source };

// Create classeslikethis if you need a parametrized one- or two-way conversion.
class FooToIntConverter2 : ParameterizedValueConverterBase<Foo, int, double>
    protected override int Convert(Foo source, double parameter)
        return (int)(source.Bar * parameter);

    protected override Foo ConvertBack(int source, double parameter)
        return new Foo() { Bar = (int)(source / parameter) };