Ray Tracing in One Weekend Book Series
In One Weekend | The Next Week | The Rest of Your Life |
Getting the Books
The Ray Tracing in One Weekend series of books are now available to the public for free directly from the web:
For printed copies, or to create PDF versions, use the print function in your browser. These books have been properly formatted for print versions as well.
Project Status
We're currently hard at work on the v3.0.0 release. This will be a large evolution of the entire project: all three books, new and revised content, buildable with CMake, with a good number of code refactoring improvements. We're hoping to release this next version in January or February of 2020.
If you'd like a sneak peek, we're over in the development
branch. See the instructions below if
you'd like to contribute!
Corrections & Contributions
If you spot errors, have suggested corrections, or would like to help out with the project, please review the CONTRIBUTING document for the most effective way to proceed.